Editors: Aditi Singh, Abhishek Nandy

Lifestyle Diseases in Adolescents: Diseases, Disorders, and Preventive Measures

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $84
Printed Copy: US $59
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-5274-44-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5274-43-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152744311240101


Lifestyle diseases and related conditions present a major healthcare challenge for children, posing a significant threat to their well-being. The Editors have compiled chapters to present a multicentric approach to the subject.

This book is an insightful reference on lifestyle diseases and its management in adolescents. It includes ten chapters with a focus on systemic disorders that are linked to lifestyle issues. Topics in this volume include gut microbiome and gastrointestinal disorders, neurological disorders, dental diseases, respiratory diseases and allergies associated with pesticides, cancer, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and common infectious diseases.

The book highlights the risk factors and determinants of these diseases, and where an immediate intervention is needed. An updated understanding of the diseases with scientific references gives readers crucial information for setting the groundwork for long-term public health policy formulation.

This book serves as a primary resource for scholars and trainees in nursing, medical (pediatrics and endocrinology) and paramedical courses who are required to understand lifestyle diseases with a focus on adolescents. Readers and professionals in public health, life-sciences and related disciplines can also use this as a secondary reference.


Primary: scholars and trainees in nursing, medical (pediatrics and endocrinologists) and paramedical courses. Secondary: readers in public health services and administration, life-sciences and related disciplines.


- Pp. i
Aditi Singh, Abhishek Nandy
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List of Contributors

- Pp. ii-iii (2)

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Microbiome in Teenagers – Acquisition and Development

- Pp. 1-13 (13)
Pallabi Chatterjee*, Isra Aman Aziz, Amarjit Singh, Aditi Singh

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Neurological Disorders and Epilepsy among Adolescents

- Pp. 14-30 (17)
Abhishek Nandy*, Chhavi Shukla, Aditi Singh*

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Lifestyle-Associated Dental Diseases in Adolescents

- Pp. 31-48 (18)
Pragyan Paliwal*, Swati Gupta

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Association of Pesticides with Adolescent Asthma and Bronchial Hyper-Reactivity

- Pp. 49-72 (24)
Shivani Singh, Juhi Verma, Vandana Tiwari*, Manish Raj Kulshrestha

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Cancer in Adolescents

- Pp. 73-87 (15)
Prankur Awasthi*, Saba Hasan

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Hypertension and Cardiovascular Problems - An Outlook Associated with Adolescents’ Lifestyles

- Pp. 88-107 (20)
Hera Fatma, Pratyaksha Srivastava, Parul Johri*, Manish Singh Rajput, Shazia Syed, Mala Trivedi

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Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders and Diseases in Adolescents

- Pp. 108-119 (12)
Nishtha Sah*, Kuhu Panchadhyai, Abhishek Nandy

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Diabetes and its Associated Gastrointestinal Disorders in Adolescents

- Pp. 120-132 (13)
Divyansh Verma*, Palak Mishra, Palak Sachdeva, Abhishek Nandy, Varad Vardhan Bisen

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Polycystic Ovarian Disease Associated with Adolescent Lifestyles

- Pp. 133-145 (13)
Sakshi Singh, Vartika Nishad, Parul Johri, Ritesh Pandey, Mala Trivedi*

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Common Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology of Adolescence

- Pp. 146-178 (33)
Shivangi Gusain*, Shreetama Bhattacharjee, Amisha Mishra, Abhishek Nandy, Aditi Singh

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Vaccination Program and Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance in Adolescence

- Pp. 179-186 (8)
Abhishek Nandy*, Humaira Saeed, Aditi Singh

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Subject Index

- Pp. 187-192 (6)
Aditi Singh, Abhishek Nandy
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