Authors: Anwar Khan, Amalia bt Madihie, Rehman Ullah Khan

Cultural Adaptation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Common Mental Health Disorders in Pakistan

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $71
Printed Copy: US $51
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5274-26-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5274-25-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152742571240101


Cultural Adaptation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Common Mental Health Disorders in Pakistan offers a comprehensive overview of practical psychotherapy in a Pakistani cultural context. The authors aim to bridge knowledge gaps for practitioners who may be familiar with conventional methodologies and want to understand the subject from a regional perspective. The content includes seven meticulously written and referenced chapters that start with an overview of evidence-based therapy, progressing to modern psychotherapy techniques. The book concludes with information intended to guide the reader to adapt psychotherapy practices in Pakistani cultural settings.

The atlas covers a wide range of conditions, including infectious and inflammatory cheilitis, traumatic lip diseases, and systemic immunological disorders like lichen planus and pemphigus vulgaris. It also addresses labial manifestations of systemic diseases, vascular pathologies, and potentially malignant disorders such as squamous cell carcinoma. Additionally, the guide explores pigmented lesions and introduces innovative treatment protocols like phototherapy and photodynamic therapy.

Key Features

  • - Provides an introductory overview of evidence-based psychotherapyQuick and easy-to-read medical reference
  • - Provides an overview of psychotherapy practice in Pakistan
  • - Covers advanced technologies used in psychotherapy like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to effectively address conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety
  • - Suggests culturally sensitive methodologies for practitioners working in Pakistani communities

This book is an ideal reference for clinical psychology researchers, psychotherapists, mental health counselors, academicians, and students. The insights in the book are invaluable, not only for Pakistani readers but also for those across Asia, providing a comprehensive blueprint for culturally adapting psychotherapies to diverse contexts.


Clinical psychologists, researchers, psychotherapists, community and mental health counselors, academicians, and students (psychology, psychiatry).


The quest for psychological well-being is a ubiquitous ambition in the ever-changing universe of Mental Health Sciences. I was ecstatic when Anwar Khan apprised me about his aspirations to write a book about the cultural adaptation of evidence-based psychotherapies in Pakistan. This is the topic that is very dear to my heart. Since we, as mental health practitioners, interact with local patients on a daily basis while adhering to some clinical standards defined and tested by Westerners, the question of how to administer such clinical standards developed by others arose. Keeping this in view, Anwar Khan has embarked on journey of an extensive exploration of the interaction between modern evidence-based psychotherapies and the rich tapestry of Pakistani culture. This narrative has taken place amid the backdrop of practice of relatively new Evidence-Based Psychotherapies in Pakistan, where typical Western-made treatment procedures are used and local modifications in the treatment procedures are a growing requirement.

This book, "Cultural Adaptation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Common Mental Health Disorders in Pakistan," has been meticulously prepared for  clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, mental health counsellors, and academicians. This book gives insightful information about the cultural adaptations of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies in Pakistan, based on an extensive review of the literature, consultations with mental health practitioners, and rigorous research methodologies. The sequence of the book is carefully designed into well-organized chapters in which the readers are guided through a labyrinthine journey of understanding and adapting evidence-based psychotherapies in Pakistani context, beginning with the nature of evidence-based psychotherapy, and continuing with its historical evolution, integration of computer technologies in mental health sciences, and final practical case illustration. Through such comprehensive information, this book not only enlightens its readers but also stimulates their deeper study into the technical aspects of the cultural adaptation of evidence-based psychotherapies, thus making this book as a monument to the unrelenting pursuit of greater mental health for all.

This literary odyssey is much more than a scholastic undertaking; it stands as a monument to teamwork, and an unshakable dedication to improving mental health status of the local people of Pakistan. Anwar Khan and his team cordially welcome readers from across the world to ponder the challenges that are being faced by the mental health practitioners and researchers, just like this book that not only addresses these challenges but also serves as a catalyst to motivate further research towards innovative solutions.

Please join Anwar Khan and his dedicated team on this revolutionary journey and let us work together to achieve a future in which evidence-based psychotherapies are easily accepted within different cultural settings, thus resulting in a more accessible and compassionate system of mental healthcare for the betterment of common people in Pakistan.

Salim Khan
Senior Mental Health Practitioner
Principal Medical Officer
Type-D Hospital Baffa, Mansehra, Abbottabad
Department of Health, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.