Author: Yevsey Gutman

Smart Kinematics for Modern Engineering Students

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $125
Printed Copy: US $90
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-5256-81-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5256-80-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152568021240101


Smart Kinematics for Modern Engineering Students is an essential reference on basic kinematics. The book provides detailed knowledge on coordinate transformations for matrix calculations, followed by information about different configurations in component pairs and joints. Readers will learn about the basic mechanical engineering methods used to design components for systems with moving parts along with various practical applications of these concepts.

Key Features:

  • - Provides-In-depth knowledge of 3D vector calculations in kinematics
  • - Includes descriptions and depictions of major joints commonly used in engineering designs and applications
  • - Discusses common methods of optimization for solving multivariable systems of highly nonlinear equations using displacement models
  • - Presents practical examples of analysis applied to commonly used mechanical system

    ⚬   6 DOF robotic arm and moving platform

    ⚬   A generic Light Manufacturing Tool (LMT)

    ⚬   Phantom DOF devices

    ⚬   Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) as a biomechanical joint

  • - Include scientific references

The material in this book will be helpful to undergraduate and graduate engineers who are required to understand knowledge about modern methods in mechanical engineering, including prerequisite courses in advanced linear algebra, kinematics and complex systems


Engineering students at university level, and professionals involved in complex mechanical system design.


This book is a collection of real examples to illustrate the use of kinematics in the field of multi-degree of freedom systems. The author has more than 50 years of experience in this area.

The theoretical material for this book has been developed on the knowledge and experience the author has obtained by working as a graduate student first and then as a closest colleague with two scientists: Prof. F.L. Litvin and Prof. S.A. Rodionov. Their contribution to the mathematics, optimization, differential geometry, surface behavior, advanced kinematics and engineering in general is well known around the world. Prof. S.A. Rodionov demonstrated the ability to navigate through the world of multi-parametric non-linear systems to develop optimal solutions to the problem. Additionally, Prof. F.L. Litvin opened the possibility and opportunity to combine a very deep knowledge in mathematics with extremely practical applications in mechanical engineering, especially in robotics and gearings. Both scientists were very strong advocates in using advanced matrix methods whether for linear algebra in optimization or for coordinate transformation and displacement models for mechanisms.

The author has paid attention through examples demonstrating the importance kinematic knowledge as the first but very critical step in designing and developing any multi-DOF systems as a part of systems engineering effort. Three major topics are highlighted in the book: use of matrix transformations between different domains, methods of optimization and the ability to develop displacement models to analyze system behaviors.

The results presented in this book have been complemented with research work published by the author and his colleagues. The manuscript of this book has been used to teach courses for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Minnesota where the author has taught as an adjunct professor and also at the University of Information, Mechanics and Optics in St. Petersburg.

The author would like to express his deep gratitude to scientists, engineers and managers at MTS Systems Corporation where the author had opportunities to engage in very interesting and challenging projects over his career. Among them are Gary Gronert, Al Clark, Dr. Richard Lund, William Langer, Hugh Sparks,Brad Thoen, Judy Carmen and Charles Anderson. Special thanks to Judy Taylor and Dr. Gary Gutman for reading the manuscript and helping with editing the book.

Yevsey Gutman
GEI Systems, Inc