Editor: Tanmoy Rana

Parasitic Diseases of Goats

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $118
Printed Copy: US $83
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-5256-63-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5256-62-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152566281240101


Parasitic Diseases of Goats provides a comprehensive exploration of parasitic infections affecting goats and their impact on various organ systems. The book covers a wide range of parasitic diseases, including those affecting the gastrointestinal, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, and urogenital systems, as well as the liver, pancreas, skin, and musculoskeletal system. Diagnostic techniques and therapeutic approaches for managing these infections are also discussed in the chapters of this book.

This book is an essential resource for veterinarians, researchers, students, and professionals in parasitology and veterinary medicine. Key features include detailed descriptions of parasite-related diseases, their pathogenesis, diagnostic methods, and treatment strategies to improve goat health and management.


Undergraduate/Graduate, Research


Goats play a significant role in the economy of small and marginal families. They also play a key role in the upliftment of the socio-economic status of marginal farmers. Generally, goats are resistant to various diseases. However, they suffer mostly from parasitic diseases. They are selective feeders and require a lot of managemental practices that safeguard their health. This book generally focuses on system-wise parasitic diseases, clinical signs, advanced diagnosis, and management of parasitic diseases. The book constituents of a considerably larger amount of color photographs, illustrations, and diagrams to attract the reader. The handbook is intended for students, academicians, progressive farmers, veterinary practitioners, and extension personnel. This handbook will provide useful information for a better understanding of the parasitism of goats.

The book "Parasitic Diseases of Goats" is divided into 12 chapters emphasizing the clinical parasitic evaluation, diagnosis, and management of goats. It describes parasites of the digestive system, respiratory system, liver, pancreas, circulatory system, nervous system, reproductive/urogenital system, locomotory system, and the integument of goats. Additionally, it explores various aspects of parasitological interventions and provides recent information to veterinary professionals and farmers regarding their parasitological questions. I hope that the readers will enjoy the amazing world of parasites of goats. The control of caprine parasite infections through various endoparasite and ectoparasite management strategies has become routine for veterinary professionals, farm managers, and progressive farmers. The therapeutics and preventive management are based on clinical diagnosis of the parasites based on the detection of eggs, antigens from the parasite, seroconversion by the host, and molecular indices of the parasites. The application of drugs is based on their chemical form rather than proprietary. I am also thankful to the authors involved in parasitological research for their consultation. It is the responsibility of the veterinarian to recommend the drugs correctly based on local laws and legislation governing drugs in the practicing field. Neither any publisher nor the authors have any liability for any damage/ injury to persons or property with the application of all information and material(s) constraints for the diseases in this book. The use of any trade names or commercial products in this book is purely for the purpose of distinct information and also does not evaluate any finalization and/or recommendation by the publisher or authors. Scientists, researchers, industry veterinarians, government veterinarians, laboratory diagnosticians, veterinary technicians, and veterinary practitioners throughout the globe can consult this book to acquire knowledge about the parasitic diseases of goats.

Tanmoy Rana
Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex
West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences
Kolkata, India