Editor: Shazia Anjum

Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research, Vol. 11

Volume 11

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $79
Printed Copy: US $54
Library License: US $196
ISSN: 2467-9593 (Print)
ISSN: 2352-7633 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-5238-61-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5238-60-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152386001241101


Stem cell and regenerative medicine research is an important area of clinical research which promises to change the face of medicine as it will be practiced in the years to come. Challenges in the 21st century to combat diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and retinal disorders, among others, may well be addressed employing stem cell therapies and tissue regeneration techniques. Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research brings updates on multidisciplinary topics relevant to stem cell research and their application in regenerative medicine. The series is essential reading for researchers seeking updates in stem cell therapeutics and regenerative medicine.

Volume 11 includes 5 chapters on these topics:

-The use of embryology in clinical practice

-Molecular regulation and signaling transduction in human tissue development

-Cell differentiation on hydrogels and its application in regenerative medicine

-Stem cell therapy for sepsis

-Tumorigenicity assessments for stem cell-derived therapeutic products


Pharmaceutical scientists, biomedical researchers, stem cell biologists, pre-clinical and clinical researchers, life science, researchers, healthcare professionals in regenerative medicine


Stem cells and regenerative medicines have enormous potential for tissue engineering, multipotency, and self-renewal ability to address future challenges. The eleventh volume of ‘Frontiers in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research’ is another continuous effort to further strengthen this understanding of stem cells to show how quickly and successfully they are coming up with regenerative medicine. This field is developing leaps and bounds to a real translation into clinical practice. We welcome you to read this volume, wheres reviews are written by specialists in the key areas of stem cells and regenerative medicine, and discover more about the subject.

Remarkable studies on the beneficial effect of embryology to facilitate the understanding and application of this branch of science have widely captured the interest of scientists and physicians and encouraged students to embrace this discipline. Boroujeni et al. discussed recent data from several clinical trials and case reports on basic embryology with clinical practice including diagnosis and management of congenital defects and management of other diseases with the help of a developmental approach. Clinical applications and research horizons have also been discussed therein.

Another interesting report from Ahmadi et al., discussed the details of gene expression regulation, cellular signaling transduction and interaction, and tissue development. They showed a scheme of the gene to fetus formation in a fascinating way.

León-Campos et al., summarized the current understanding of the role of fundamental principles of cellular differentiation in stem cells facilitated by biomaterial compositions within hydrogel matrices and explored its potential applications in regenerative medicine.

Ture et al., reviewed the promising treatment of sepsis, a life-threatening syndrome through stem cell therapy. It holds the potential to significantly treat infectious diseases and has a positive influence on clinical outcomes.

Undoubtedly, stem cells hold a great promise for regenerative medicine given their ability to proliferate and differentiate into various cell types. Zongjie Wang explained the current practices of assay development to fulfill this demand . Thus the joint venture of biologists, bioengineers, veterinarians, and clinicians can confidently generate quality stem cell products to change the trajectory of tissue degeneration.

We owe our special thanks to all the contributors for their valuable impact in bringing together the eleventh volume of our book. And, we also thank the editorial staff of Bentham Science Publishers, particularly Ms. Asma Ahmed and Mr. Mahmood Alam for their relentless help and support.

Shazia Anjum
Institute of Chemistry
Faculty of Chemical & Biological Sciences
The Islamia University of Bahawalpur