Author: Mohammed Majeed

Artificial Intelligence in Business Management

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $63
Printed Copy: US $43
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5238-22-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5238-21-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152382111240101


Artificial Intelligence in Business Management is a review of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in businesses. This book adopts a cross-disciplinary strategy toward AI adoption. Book chapters explore many projects that go beyond simple data management and accessibility to showcase the growing role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the enterprise data space. AI methods for tackling marketing and commercial strategies, as well as the use of AI and machine learning in tourism, insurance and healthcare systems, are discussed. A study on the significance of cultural assets in evaluating risks and protection is also presented. The content gives valuable insights on the application and implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning to readers aiming for corporate roles, such as directors, executives, senior software developers, and digital transformation managers.

The book is an essential resource for researchers and professionals in business, economics, and allied disciplines.


Researchers and professionals in business, economics and allied disciplines.


The goal of this book is to provide business leaders the knowledge on how to apply artificial intelligence in managing their businesses. As a result of AI's success as a key marketing weapon, it has quickly become one of the business sector's most fashionable catchphrases. Artificial intelligence has been around for many years, but its current renaissance can be ascribed to the proliferation of large data, the decrease in cost of computing power, and the advancements in general technology. This book adopts a cross-disciplinary strategy toward the use of AI by serving as a unified resource for students and practitioners in the fields of business, economics, and other related fields. Corporate executives, directors/managers, software developers, and those who implement AI can gain valuable insights into the application and implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning from this book. The subject matter of this book explores many projects that go beyond simple data management and accessibility to showcase the growing role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the enterprise data space. Spatial methods for tackling marketing and commercial strategies, as well as insurance and healthcare systems, are discussed, and the significance of cultural assets is investigated for the sake of evaluating risks and protection.

Mohammed Majeed
Department of Marketing,
Tamale Technical University