Editors: Rubab Sarfraz, Christopher Rensing

Biochar: Solid Carbon for Sustainable Agriculture

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $63
Printed Copy: US $43
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5238-07-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5238-06-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152380681240101


Biochar - Solid Carbon for Sustainable Agriculture explores the potential of biochar, a form of charcoal produced from organic materials, to improve soil health, increase crop yields, and mitigate climate change. This book offers a comprehensive overview of biochar and its applications in sustainable agriculture.

The book begins by introducing the concept of biochar and its historical use in agriculture. Next, the content deals with the production methods and properties of biochar, providing insights into its chemical composition and physical characteristics. Subsequent chapters explore the diverse applications of biochar in agriculture, including its role in soil fertility improvement, carbon sequestration, and pollution remediation. Case studies and practical examples illustrate the effectiveness of biochar across different agricultural settings. The authors also discuss the potential challenges and future directions of biochar research and application.

This book is essential reading for agronomists, soil scientists, environmental scientists, farmers, policymakers, and anyone interested in sustainable agriculture and climate change mitigation strategies.


Agronomists, soil scientists, environmental scientists, farmers, policymakers, and anyone interested in sustainable agriculture and climate change initiatives.


- Pp. i
Rubab Sarfraz, Christopher Rensing
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- Pp. ii
Rubab Sarfraz, Christopher Rensing
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-iv (2)

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The Science of Biochar Production: Understanding the Formation and Characteristics of Biochar

- Pp. 1-16 (16)
Rubab Sarfraz, Muhammad Tayyab*, Awais Shakoor, Muhammad Waqas Khan Tarin, Iqra Sahar

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Effect of Biochar on Soil Properties

- Pp. 17-28 (12)
Shazia Iqbal*, Humaira Aziz, Munaza Naseem, Muhammad Irfan

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Impact of Biochar on Soil Organisms

- Pp. 29-63 (35)
Bushra Nisar Khan*

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Impact of Biochar on Plant Pathogen Control

- Pp. 64-81 (18)
Adnan Akhter*, Muhammad Taqqi Abbas, Waheed Anwar, Tiyyabah Khan, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan

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Impact of Biochar on Crop Yield and Production

- Pp. 82-108 (27)
Sajid Ali, Adnan Zahid*, Mukhtar Ahmed, Ammara Fatima, Asma Ayub, Aisha Zahra, Aamir Shahzad

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Environmental Implications of Biochar

- Pp. 109-125 (17)
Munaza Naseem*, Shazia Iqbal, Hina Malik, Muhammad Awais, Sarvet Jehan, Shazia Jabeen

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Potential Limitations of Biochar

- Pp. 126-138 (13)
Rashid Mahmood, Ammara Arooj, Rubab Sarfraz*

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Future Perspectives

- Pp. 139-140 (2)
Rubab Sarfraz, Christopher Rensing

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Subject Index

- Pp. 141-146 (6)
Rubab Sarfraz, Christopher Rensing
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