Editors: Mohammed Majeed, Abdul-Razak Abubakari, Awini Gideon, Jayadatta S.

Series Title: Advanced Computing Techniques: Implementation, Informatics and Emerging Technologies

Digital Transformation in African SMEs: Emerging Issues and Trends

Volume 2

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $67
Printed Copy: US $47
Library License: US $156
ISSN: 2737-5722 (Print)
ISSN: 2737-5730 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-35-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-34-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152233471240201


This 2 volume set aims to shed light on the various advantages and drawbacks of the same along with the opportunities and markets that are emerging because of digital transformation. This volume encompasses diverse perspectives on the digital landscape for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). It delves into the use of digital tools like Big Data, IoT, AI, and ML in Chapter 1, followed by an exploration of factors influencing online shopping adoption in SMEs in Ghana (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 sheds light on the digital transformation of African SMEs, while Chapter 4 offers insights into the consequences of digitalization for SMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa. The subsequent chapters cover topics such as the impact of Big Data on SMEs' performance, digitization initiatives for African telecom service providers, the role of social media as a promotional tool for SMEs in Ghana, and the utilization of Artificial Intelligence by SMEs in Africa, addressing both benefits and challenges. The chapters provide information for educators at all levels to obtain a complete understanding of the technology-based environment that impacts teaching and commerce. It also serves as a resource for policymakers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and students interested in digital transformation in Africa.


Educators, policymakers, entrepreneurs, researchers, and students.


Respected reader, you have a treasure in your hands in the name of “Digital Transformation in African SMEs: Emerging Issues and Trends”. While technological advancements play a role in digital transformation, more technological tools may be even more crucial. Some SMEs are able to complete a digital transformation faster and at much less expense to the firm than others because they have the capacity to build trust in their systems. This book is written for and about digital transformation in Africa. The editors’ expertise qualifies them for this good project. They have extensive experience in the field and have spent many years researching the challenges and successes of digital transformation for businesses. Furthermore, they have an intimate understanding of the motivations of these top brass. I agree with the writers that the emphasis should be on technology, people, and performance as the means by which an organization deals with digital disruption. According to my studies, effective digital transformation necessitates adjusting the dynamics of a business and the way its employees perform their duties. There is no sign of a halt to digital disruption any time soon, and it is likely that the typical worker will face multiple waves of disruption over the course of their lifetime. The authors considered digital tools such as social media, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, IoT, AI, and ML for SMEs. When it comes to relevance, factors influencing the adoption of online shopping and its influence on consumers’ intention to shop online are key. The gap between industry leaders and laggards may be rising if these businesses are increasingly reporting and investing time, money, and energy on initiatives to develop these components of their culture. For most SMEs in Africa, I simply believe that changing an organization's leadership, talent, culture, and organization strategy all at once can be a disruptive and inefficient process and that focusing solely on the technological parts of digital transformation is missing out.

Ahmed Tijani
Corporate Affairs & IT
Minerals Commission
Accra – Ghana