Editors: Nevnihal Erdoğan, Hikmet Temel Akarsu

Architecture in Cinema

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-5223-32-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-31-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152233161240101


In Architecture in Cinema, more than 40 architects, writers, thinkers, and academicians examine the magnificent works of cinema that contribute to the art of architecture and bring them to the attention of the architectural community.

The contributors have compiled essays on fifty masterpieces of classic and contemporary cinema, including films such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Ben Hurr, The Lord of The Rings trilogy, Nomadland and more. The book aims to stimulate the imagination of readers and offer approaches to understanding fantasy, sociological concepts, ecological problems, and political ideas. The contributors also focus on the elements of creativity, such as utopian or dystopian themes, aesthetics and artistry.

Architecture in Cinema is an informative reference for anyone interested in how architecture is featured in the cinematic medium. Scholars of architecture, urban planning, fine arts, humanities, social sciences, and various design disciplines, will also find the book refreshing.


General readers interested in urban and popular culture; scholars of liberal arts and humanities.


- Pp. i-ii (2)
Nevnihal Erdoğan, Hikmet Temel Akarsu
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-iv (2)

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- Pp. 1-8 (8)
Nevnihal Erdoğan*

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The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)

- Pp. 9-15 (7)
Z. Türkiz Özbursalı*

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Fellini's Rome

- Pp. 16-21 (6)
Hikmet Temel Akarsu*

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The Artificial Hypocrisy of the Fairytale Atmosphere: The Grand Budapest Hotel

- Pp. 22-32 (11)
Serkan Can Hatipoğlu*, Türkan Nihan Hacıömeroğlu

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Doctor Zhivago

- Pp. 33-38 (6)
Nevnihal Erdoğan*

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Towards the End

- Pp. 39-45 (7)
Semiha Kartal*

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The Belly of an Architect/ 1987

- Pp. 46-55 (10)
Selin Arabulan*

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Journey To Louis I. Kahn

- Pp. 56-61 (6)
Esin Benian*

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Jacques Tati, “Playtime”; on the Modern Architecture Movement and Livable Cities

- Pp. 62-71 (10)
Çiğdem Polatoğlu*, Selda Cansu Temel

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The Conflict of the Modern and the Traditional: The Case of Mon Oncle

- Pp. 72-80 (9)
Nihan Sümeyye Gündoğdu*

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Imagined World, Dreamworld, and Beyond. The Architecture of the City as a Distraction Machine in ‘Lost in Translation’

- Pp. 81-105 (25)
Elmira A. Gür*, Işıl Baysan Serim

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Roman Holiday (1953)

- Pp. 106-111 (6)
Bilge Ataç Özsoy*

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Intellectual Criticism and Space in Cinema; Winter Sleep

- Pp. 112-119 (8)
Hikmet Temel Akarsu*

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Constructivist Heterotopia or Taylorist Dystopia? Layers of Cinematic Space in Chaplin’s “Modern Times”

- Pp. 120-128 (9)
Emine Zeytin*

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The City of God / Cidade de Deus (CDD): Crime and Violence in the Favela

- Pp. 129-137 (9)
Dilek Yıldız Özkan*

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Nostos or Ritournelle: The Spatio-Temporal Narrative of the Journey and Homecoming in the Movie of Ulysses’ Gaze

- Pp. 138-152 (15)
Emine Görgül*

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The Truman Show: A Different American Dream

- Pp. 153-158 (6)
Oya Tunçay Erar*

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The Journey Of Love(Before Sunrise/Before Sunset/Before Midnight)

- Pp. 159-164 (6)
Semiha Kartal*

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The Man Who Fell to Earth

- Pp. 165-169 (5)
Hikmet Temel Akarsu*

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Dogville: Destruction is Architectural

- Pp. 170-175 (6)
Can Boyacıoğlu*

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The Mind of the Dead and the Thinking (Johnny Got His Gun)

- Pp. 176-182 (7)
Ersan Yıldız*

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Examining the Spaces of (The Shining) through Human Psychology

- Pp. 183-192 (10)
Nihan Sümeyye Gündoğdu*

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Lost Highway

- Pp. 193-199 (7)
E. Gülay Er Pasin*

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The Use of Claustrophobic Spaces as a Cinematographic Tool: Panic Room-D. Fincher (2002)

- Pp. 200-211 (12)
H. Hale Kozlu*

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Lives Reflected in the Window Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock)

- Pp. 212-221 (10)
Gülcan Minsolmaz Yeler*

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An Anti-Space Film: Barton Fink

- Pp. 222-227 (6)
Hikmet Temel Akarsu*

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“Medianeras” Sidewalls - Gustavo Taretto

- Pp. 228-235 (8)
Tuba Sarı*

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Nomadland/ 2020

- Pp. 236-245 (10)
Arbil Ötkünç*

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Architecture as a Main Character:Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite

- Pp. 246-250 (5)
Emre Karacaoğlu*

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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - Robert Wiene (1920)

- Pp. 251-267 (17)
Oktay Turan*

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Metropolis: From Dystopia To Reality

- Pp. 268-275 (8)
Gülcan İner*

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- Pp. 276-283 (8)
Selma Kayhan Tunalı*

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- Pp. 284-291 (8)
Esra Eres Yalçın*

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The Architectural and Artical Criticism of the Movie Troy

- Pp. 292-298 (7)
Sema Sandalcı*

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Alice in Wonderland – Tim Burton

- Pp. 299-305 (7)
Belma Alik*

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The Lord of The Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King)

- Pp. 306-312 (7)
Hikmet Temel Akarsu*

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The Da Vinci Code

- Pp. 313-318 (6)
Esin Benian*

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They Live

- Pp. 319-329 (11)
Ayşe M. Kalay*

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Brazil: Ducts And Pipes And Uncanny Gadgets... Or The Absurd Universe Of Being

- Pp. 330-340 (11)
Nilay Ünsal Gülmez*

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The Instances of Time and Space: Cloud Atlas

- Pp. 341-348 (8)
Ali Aydın*

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Spatial Narrative in the Intercept Of Cinema and Architecture: A Review of Alien (1979) on Storyboards

- Pp. 349-358 (10)
Merve Kaya*, Merve Artkan

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The Unity of Fictive World and Vision of Reality in the “Blade Runner” Universe

- Pp. 359-370 (12)
Sebla Arın Ensarioğlu*

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Organic Architecture and Artificial Lives: Gattaca

- Pp. 371-376 (6)
Cansu Özge Özmen*

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Inception: Time In Time, Space In Space

- Pp. 377-384 (8)
Neşe Çakıcı Alp*

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Jurassic Park

- Pp. 385-390 (6)
Seda Dal*

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Edward Scissorhands and the Realities of Suburbia for an Extraordinary Body

- Pp. 391-397 (7)
Emine Köseoğlu*

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

- Pp. 398-402 (5)
Sennur Akansel*

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An Examination Of Star Wars Films Through Retro-Futuristic Space And City Setups

- Pp. 403-415 (13)
Melike Yenice*

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Envisioning Space Throughout The Story Of Human Existence: 2001: A Space Odyssey

- Pp. 416-422 (7)
Ali Aydın*

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Revisiting History of Humanity By Extraterrestrial Imperialism and Local Justice: Dune By Denis Villeneuve

- Pp. 423-428 (6)
Ersan Koç*

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Subject Index

- Pp. 429-434 (6)
Nevnihal Erdoğan, Hikmet Temel Akarsu
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