Author: Nevnihal Erdoğan

The Architecture Heritage of Edirne

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $97
Printed Copy: US $77
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5223-05-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5223-04-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898152230401240101


Edirne is a vibrant city of historical importance where civilizations have concentrated throughout the ages, with a unique architectural heritage. Constructions like the Selimiye Mosque from Sinan, the Old Mosque from the fifteenth-century, Üç Şerefeli Mosque, Sultan Beyazid II Mosque, and its many complexes, imarets (public soup kitchens), Dar al-Shifa (medical centers), hans (public inns), baths, bridges, caravanserais, are refined examples of Ottoman-Islamic art.

The Architecture Heritage of Edirne is an exploration of the city’s architectural Heritage. approaching the past with a historical perspective through works from all the periods it has endured. Starting with the history of Edirne, the book goes into the details of the historical neighborhood, the central district and the historical architecture in the present day city. The book includes notes on the architecture in each notable district and their respective monuments and sites. This is followed by coverage of the architecture of Edirne’s former districts. The book concludes with the author’s understanding of Edirne’s social and economic fabric, both in the past and present. This chapter details the traditional customs, dances, clothing and economic structure of the city.

The book is a ley reference for scholars and enthusiasts of urban history, architectural heritage and design, fine arts, humanities and social sciences. The breadth of information covered in the book also makes it a resource for anyone interested in Turkish cultural heritage studies.


scholars and enthusiasts of urban history, architectural heritage and design, fine arts, humanities and social sciences. Readers interested in Turkish cultural heritage studies.


Edirne is a crucial border and cultural city today, located in the Thrace region of Turkey. One of the three historical capitals of the Ottoman Empire (the others are Istanbul and Bursa), Edirne is a living museum city with rich monumental and architectural artifacts. Edirne is a vibrant city of historical value where civilizations have concentrated throughout the ages, and one of the unique cities where the art of architecture reaches its peak. And yet, unfortunately, when we see the glow of the architecture at its best, worth so many treasures emerging from the rubbles of a collapsing empire, it is impossible for us not to be overwhelmed by sorrows. Selimiye Mosque as a masterpiece from Sinan, Old Mosque from the fifteenth-century, Üç Şerefeli Mosque, Sultan Beyazid II Mosque, complexes, imarets (public soup kitchens), Dar al-Shifa (medical center), hans (public inns), baths, bridges, caravanserais, and many others are not only the most advanced and refined examples of Ottoman-Islamic art but also unique elements of world cultural heritage.

While explaining the architectural and social characteristics of Edirne, which are mainly remaining from the Ottoman period, I also aimed to understand the city as a whole by approaching the past with a historical perspective through works from all periods of the city simultaneously. The end of the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 20 th century and its effects in Edirne itself, together with all political, social, and concrete events, show how vital the said plateau is for the history and culture of Turkey. Another purpose of the book is to understand and explain this original city and region in detail.

The brief history of the city's neighborhoods, the construction dates of the architectural works, their architectural characteristics, the physical and functional changes they have undergone, their socio-cultural backgrounds, and their aesthetic values are discussed in terms of architectural design and planning backgrounds.

The book will be a reference for urban history, cultural heritage, and future studies for conservation and design planning. I also hope that the work "Architectural Heritage in the Former Ottoman Capital Edirne" will be considered an ideal resource for studies in the fields of architecture, art history, architectural history, fine arts, humanities and social sciences, and others related to design.

Nevnihal Erdoğan
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Kocaeli University Anıtpark Campus-41300