Editors: Neha , Pooja Gupta, Ihtiram Raza Khan, Gülsün Kurubacak

Virtual Lifelong Learning: Educating Society with Modern Communication Technologies

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $90
Printed Copy: US $65
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-5196-57-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5196-56-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898151965661240101


This reference addresses the transformative landscape of education through the lens of modern technologies. It imparts a comprehensive overview of the challenges, opportunities, and future visions in education by covering the dynamic intersection of e-learning, virtual teaching, and cutting-edge technologies.

The book includes an extensive spectrum of 14 topics commencing with a basic study on E-learning and teaching in the new millennium. Next, the work explores substantial topics such as the challenges and opportunities of virtual learning, the impact of the National Education Policy 2020, the role of Virtual Learning in bridging gender gaps, and the benefits and challenges for differently-abled students. Contributors also discuss new developments in education including the integration of ICT in mechanical engineering, the use of AR and VR to virtualize academic activities, and blockchain technology in education. The last two chapters explore the applications, challenges, and possibilities of machine learning and data analytics in the context of m-Health and the impact analysis of online education development.

Key features of the reference are: a simplified exploration of the cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the educational environment, a forward-looking view of the future of education, and practical insights into the drawbacks and advantages of virtual learning. Readers will get a broad perspective of information on virtual education technology with references and case studies that provide a holistic view of modern educational structures.

This book is tailored for educators, researchers and anyone working in the field of education and technology who are looking for a thorough understanding of the transformative prospects of virtual lifelong learning and its implications for building an inclusive society and learning environment.


Educators, Researchers, online tutors and general readers.


The concept of virtual/online learning is the next paradigm of education. During the hard times of COVID-19, the whole world was locked in their homes with no option to go to school, colleges, or offices. This led to the rise of virtual learning platforms. Virtual learning signifies the use of digital platforms where in the students are taught by the teacher in a virtual class with the help of live audio and video streaming. The classes are conducted in a real-time (synchronous) environment.

Virtual learning is being chosen over instruction in traditional classrooms by most people. There are several reasons for the same, such as flexibility in virtual learning through which full-time workers who cannot attend the classroom may continue to pursue their education and is also a good option for people who enjoy self-learning. Virtual learning has an option for attending scheduled classes or one can learn at his own pace. With the latter option, one can enjoy the benefits of guided lessons along with autonomy with intensity and overall cadence. It also allows one to explore a skill or subject without any commitment to an in-person class. Short introductory courses or long in-depth masterclasses can be found on multiple subjects and skills.

Virtual learning being online is often convenient, flexible and affordable and has the option to either enroll fully online or choose to enroll for online classes as well as in-person classes. As the students do not require to commute for the class and paper waste is less, virtual learning forms an environment-friendly learning option. However, self-discipline is required for virtual learning. The environment can have an impact on the mindset. The classroom environment trains the brain to be in learning mode. Virtual learning helps to avoid distractions and focus on studies. Having a dedicated place or rotation of places for learning may help.

This book focuses on the virtual learning paradigm keeping in mind the technologies like machine learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, blockchain, data analytics, e-learning and education 4.0.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India

Pooja Gupta
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India

Ihtiram Raza Khan
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India


Gülsün Kurubacak
Faculty of Open Education
Department of Distance Education
Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey