Editors: L. Ashok Kumar, D. Karthika Renuka, Sonali Agarwal, Sheng-Lung Peng

Blockchain and IoT based Smart Healthcare Systems

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $119
Printed Copy: US $84
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-5196-30-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5196-29-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898151962901240101


New technologies like blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) are constantly improving the state-of-the-art in healthcare services. The trend of keeping medical records in digital formats is also increasing the reliance of modern healthcare service providers on these new technologies. This edited book brings a collection of reviews on blockchain and IoT technologies that are driving innovation in digital and smart healthcare systems. The editors bring an academic and practical approach to assist professionals and readers in understanding computerized healthcare solutions. 16 referenced chapters provide knowledge about fundamental framework, research insights, and empirical evidence for effective smart healthcare applications. The chapters also cover benefits and challenges of specific smart health frameworks, giving an informative overview of the subject.

Key themes of the book include:

1. Technological Foundations for Smart Healthcare

2. Blockchain Applications in Healthcare

3. Internet of Things (IoT) in Healthcare

4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

5. Security, Privacy, and Authentication

6. Medical Imaging and Deep Learning

7. Telemedicine

The content in the book is designed to help administrators and healthcare professionals to understand the basics of blockchain tech and IoT in smart healthcare systems and strengthen the competitive advantage of their clinics.


Healthcare professionals and administrators.


Technology is constantly changing the healthcare industry, which is a crucial aspect of daily living. The use of technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and blockchain systems can improve the state-of-the-art in health care and general medical practise. As the Internet of Things (IoT) has grown, its applications in the field of smart health care are adopted to various real-world scenarios. An Internet of Things (IoT)-based health care is a collection of intelligent medical tools and software that communicate online with a health care information system. It has created a world of opportunities in the medical industry. Smart connected medical gadgets can gather vital health information and offer additional information about the symptoms. Smart health care IoT devices range from basic wristbands that can track blood pressure, heart rate, and sleep patterns to linked inhalers, ingestible sensors, glucose monitors, and remote patient monitoring systems. These devices must have dependable connectivity and adhere to security and privacy laws in order to meet the demands of smart health care. A patient's medical information is kept digitally in a digital health record (EHR). The electronic health record (EHR) is a piece of technology that could provide the groundwork for new patient services and functionality. They increase patient access, raise the standard of service, and cut expenses. The blockchain security architecture assures that electronic health records between two organisations are confidential, authentic, legitimate, interoperable, and accountable. A blockchain-based approach to address the issues of data management, exchange, and storage, real-time patient monitoring at remote locations, monitoring of smart IoT devices, and faster and more seamless data transfer of patient medical records are just a few benefits that will come with the adoption of blockchain-based smart healthcare. Blockchain technology is a pervasive technology utilised in many industries, including banking, finance, supply chain management, and healthcare. The IoT and blockchain appear to be the ideal combination, as there is a great demand for data security given the volume of data generated by IoT sensors. A blockchain-enabled IoT-based smart health care is also an advancement because it can lessen the burden on healthcare systems and avoidable hospital visits by connecting patients with their health care providers and enabling the safe transfer and storage of medical data through the use of the blockchain mechanism. The book employs academic and practical approaches to assist professionals and academics in coming up with novel solutions and strengthening their competitive advantages. It provides the fundamental framework, research insights, and empirical evidence regarding the efficacy of these new technologies.

L. Ashok Kumar
Department of EEE
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

D. Karthika Renuka
Department of IT
PSG College of Technology
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu

Sonali Agarwal
Department of IT
Indian Institute of Information Technology


Sheng-Lung Peng
College of Innovative Design and Management
National Taipei University of Business
Creative Technologies and Product Design