Editors: Sagarika Devi, Gokul Shankar Sabesan, Sultan Ahmed Ismail

Opportunities for Biotechnology Research and Entrepreneurship

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-5196-12-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5196-11-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898151961151240101


Opportunities for Biotechnology Research and Entrepreneurship explores the intersection of scientific innovation and entrepreneurial endeavors in the field of biotechnology. With a focus on addressing real-world challenges and creating transformative solutions, this book offers valuable insights into the diverse applications of biotechnology across ecology, food, industrial, and medical sciences.

Comprising 20 chapters, this edited volume brings together contributions from experts around the globe, offering a comprehensive overview of emerging research trends and techniques. Each chapter provides necessary background information and presents current and future applications of biotechnology, making it an ideal resource for students, researchers, and industry professionals.

Key features include global perspectives, concise summaries tailored for easy understanding, and updated data accompanied by illustrations and flow charts. Whether exploring environmental sustainability, enhancing food security, optimizing industrial processes, or advancing medical treatments, this book serves as a valuable reference for those interested in the dynamic field of biotechnology.


Students and professionals in business and biotechnology.


Il n’y a pas des sciences appliquees ´ ... mais il y’a des applications de la science. (There are no applied sciences... but there are the applications of science.) – Louis Pasteur

Opportunities for Biotechnology Research and Entrepreneurship is a culmination of the efforts and vast knowledge of eminent scientists around the globe in different frontiers of biotechnology. The book intends to sheds light and convey recent progress in advancements of scientific knowledge and significant transformations to improve the environment, human health and sustainable industrial applications. Catering to the needs of graduates, postgraduates, scientists, and entrepreneurs in multidisciplines of life sciences, the book contains a series of chapters on new trends in biotechnological applications with specific references to the future prospects for related technologies. We hope that both scientists and non-scientists will find this book a useful source of information. Although a strong technical background may be necessary to assimilate the fine points described herein, we have tried to make the fundamental concepts and issues accessible to readers whose background in life sciences is quite modest. The attempt is vital, for only an informed public can distinguish desirable biotechnological options from the undesirable ones, and those likely to succeed from those likely to result in costly failure.

We extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all contributing authors of this book who helped us tremendously through their insightful contributions to put together this peer-reviewed edited volume. We thank the editing and publishing team at Bentham Books, for their generous assistance and persistence in finalizing the edited volume. Special thanks are to our families and friends for their support and cooperation in placing everything together.

Sagarika Devi
Guru Nanak College
Velachery, Chennai, Tamil Nadu-600042

Gokul Shankar Sabesan
Microbiology Department Preclinical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine Manipal University College


Sultan Ahmed Ismail
Department of Biotechnology
The New College
Chennai- 600014, Tamil Nadu