Editor: Pamela Jha

Practical Biochemistry

eBook: US $59 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $107
Printed Copy: US $77
Library License: US $236
ISBN: 978-981-5165-86-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5165-85-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/9789815165852124010001


Practical Biochemistry provides both foundational knowledge and advanced insights into biochemistry, including the basic compounds, and laboratory methods. The book is designed for students and academic professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of the practical aspects of the subject.

The book is systematically divided into five sections, each dedicated to a specific category of macromolecules and related biochemical techniques: 1) Carbohydrates, 2) Proteins, 3) Nucleic acids, 4) Lipids, 5) Supplementary Techniques and Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Each chapter within these sections is structured to provide a thorough understanding of the aim, principles, procedures, and practical applications of biochemical techniques.

Key Features:

  • - Comprehensive Information: meticulously organized and structured chapters provide a thorough and methodical approach to learning
  • - Additional Learning Tools: ‘Did You Know’ segments and ‘Viva Voice’ questions enrich the learning experience by offering interesting facts and stimulating critical thinking
  • - Practical Focus: Step-by-step guides aid readers in understanding and applying the techniques in the lab
  • - Safety and Accuracy: teaches how to conduct safe and accurate experiments with precautions
  • - Accessible Language: simple and lucid language helps beginners to understand complex biochemical concepts


This is a primary resource for biochemistry and other life science research courses at college and university levels that require learning practical laboratory techniques.


- Pp. i
N. Raghuram
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- Pp. ii
Pamela Jha
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii

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Introduction to Carbohydrates

- Pp. 1-7 (7)
Mrittika Sarkar, Sinchan Hait*, Sai Joshi

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Qualitative Tests for Carbohydrate Detection

- Pp. 8-31 (24)
Mrittika Sarkar, Sinchan Hait*, Sai Joshi

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Quantification Tests for Carbohydrate Detection

- Pp. 32-54 (23)
Mrittika Sarkar, Anshika Sah, Payal Agarwal, Sai Joshi, Sinchan Hait*

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Introduction to Proteins

- Pp. 55-61 (7)
Sinchan Hait*, Sai Joshi

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Qualitative Tests for Protein Detection

- Pp. 62-83 (22)
Sinchan Hait*

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Protein Determination by SDS-PAGE

- Pp. 84-97 (14)
Sai Joshi*

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Protein Determination by Western Blotting or Immunoblot

- Pp. 98-105 (8)
Sinchan Hait*

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Quantitative Tests for Protein Detection

- Pp. 106-127 (22)
Sinchan Hait, Sai Joshi*, Ankita Nitin Padhye

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Protein Purification

- Pp. 128-152 (25)
Sinchan Hait, Sai Joshi*, Ankita Nitin Padhye

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Introduction to Nucleic Acids

- Pp. 153-161 (9)
Sai Joshi*, Sinchan Hait, Ahiree Ghosal

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Qualitative Tests for Nucleic Acid Detection

- Pp. 162-175 (14)
Anshika Sah, Mrittika Sarkar, Sinchan Hait, Sai Joshi*, Ahiree Ghosal

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Quantitative Tests for Nucleic Acid Detection

- Pp. 176-193 (18)
Mrittika Sarkar, Sinchan Hait, Sai Joshi*, Revati Supekar

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Purification of Nucleic Acids

- Pp. 194-206 (13)
Sai Joshi*, Sinchan Hait, Niriksha Patel

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Introduction to Lipids

- Pp. 207-216 (10)
Sai Joshi, Sinchan Hait*, Pranali Garde

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Qualitative Tests for Lipid Detection

- Pp. 217-233 (17)
Sai Joshi*, Sinchan Hait, Pranali Bhosale

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Quantitative Tests for Lipid Detection

- Pp. 234-266 (33)
Sai Joshi, Sinchan Hait*, Pranali Garde

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Commonly Used Basic and Advanced Techniques

- Pp. 267-287 (21)
Anshika Sah, Sinchan Hait, Sai Joshi*

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Significant Experimental Hazard: Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

- Pp. 288-298 (11)
Sai Joshi*, Anshika Sah, Sinchan Hait

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Subject Index

- Pp. 299-304 (6)
Pamela Jha
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