Editor: Yee Siew Choong

Computational Modelling and Simulation in Biomedical Research

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $63
Printed Copy: US $43
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5165-47-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5165-46-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898151654631240101


This reference provides a comprehensive overview of computational modelling and simulation for theoretical and practical biomedical research. The book explains basic concepts of computational biology and data modelling for learners and early career researchers. Chapters cover these topics:

  • - An introduction to computational tools in biomedical research
  • - Computational analysis of biological data
  • - Algorithm development for computational modelling and simulation
  • - The roles and application of protein modelling in biomedical research
  • - Dynamics of biomolecular ligand recognition

Key features include a simple, easy-to-understand presentation, detailed explanation of important concepts in computational modeling and simulations and references.


Undergraduates and graduates in life sciences, bioinformatics, data science, computer science and biomedical engineering courses. Early career researchers.


- Pp. i-iv (4)
Yee Siew Choong
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v

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- Pp. vi
Yee Siew Choong
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Introduction to Computational Tools in Biomedical Research

- Pp. 1-13 (13)
Chong Lee Ng, Yee Siew Choong*

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Computational Analysis of Biological Data: Where Are We?

- Pp. 14-39 (26)
Lilach Soreq, Wael Mohamed*

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Algorithm Development for Computational Modeling and Simulation

- Pp. 40-75 (36)
Nordina Syamira Mahamad Shabudin, Ahmad Naqib Shuid*

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The Roles and Application of Protein Modeling in Biomedical Research

- Pp. 76-102 (27)
Chong Lee Ng, Tze Yin Lee, Nur Naili Irsyada Binti Zulkfli, Theam Soon Lim, Yee Siew Choong*

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Dynamics of Biomolecular Ligand Recognition

- Pp. 103-139 (37)
Ilija Cvijetić, Dušan Petrović, Mire Zloh*

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Subject Index

- Pp. 140-145 (6)
Yee Siew Choong
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