Editor: Lovleen Marwaha

The Wax Moth: A Problem or a Solution?

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $67
Printed Copy: US $47
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5123-83-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5123-82-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2023
DOI: 10.2174/97898151238211230101


The Wax Moth: A Problem or a Solution? Covers the biology, development, morphometric characters, pheromones, mating and reproduction of the greater wax moth, which is a major pest in bee colonies. It also gives tips to beekeeping enthusiasts and professionals on how to manage wax moth infestations. Finally, it elucidates the involvement of wax moths in plastic degradation.

Key Features

· A complete overview of the basic biology of the greater wax moth.

·A quick guide on wax moth pest control.

· Tips for beekeepers to enhance colony growth for sustainable apiculture.

· Information for researchers on the wax moth’s involvement in plastic degradation.

· Simple text for readers of all levels

· References for additional reading

The Wax Moth: A Problem or a Solution? Is a comprehensive yet quick reference that is ideal for entomology and agriculture students, researchers, academicians and beekeepers (both professional and hobbyist).


The book Wax Moth: A Problem or Solution? has been written especially for B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. students, bee-keepers, and academicians highlighting various aspects of the wax moth life cycle. Although certain books are available on various pests, pathogens, and predators of the honey bees, very limited information is available on the wax moths. The wax worms are devastating pests of food commodities and the beekeeping industry, which results in great economic loss globally. The wax moth invades the bee colony, proliferates, reproduces, and destroys the colony, forcing the original occupant to abandon the hive. Its biotic potential is regressive, which overpowers the dominance and hold of honey bees in hives. Different control strategies help in dealing with the challenging infestation of a concerned pest, but those also influence apicultural products.

The wax moth possesses the potential to degrade different types of plastics. A few research explorations are available that witness this exceptional ability of the above-cited insect. The present book highlights the specific characteristics and uses of the wax moth to resolve challenges of the human population. For the completion of this book, a vast review of the literature has been carried out, and this book carries the latest information related to the distress pest of honey bees.

During the preparation of this book, authenticated information from various research papers, review articles, and other books has been considered. While practising apiculture, the challenge imposed by wax moths for beekeepers has been observed. This has motivated the compiling of available information about the wax moth in one book. Images incorporated in various chapters are original, having been clicked while maintaining an infested honey bee colony.

Currently, different synthetic chemicals are used that no doubt control wax moth infestation but impose an insecticide contamination problem in apiculture products. On one hand, excessive synthetic chemical application induces insecticide resistance in pests, and on the other hand, these chemicals degrade the nutraceutical value of natural bee products. Therefore, the challenging need for this pest control and the right use of this specific pest acted as triggering factors for the completion of this comprehensive book. The concerned books elaborate on the general introduction, morphology, development, pheromonal profile, mating, reproduction, control, and plastic degradation characteristics of specific pests. With these features, it is hoped that this book will be a complete guide for meeting the needs of the students. A special thanks to Prof. Neelima R. Kumar, Department of Zoology, Panjab University, Chandigarh for providing immensely valuable suggestions while drafting the book.


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Lovleen Marwaha
Department of Zoology
School of Bioengineering and Biosciences
Lovely Professional University
Phagwara, Punjab