Editors: Ipek Suntar, Davide Barreca, Luigi Milella

Methods for Preclinical Evaluation of Bioactive Natural Products

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $119
Printed Copy: US $84
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-5123-05-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5123-04-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2023
DOI: 10.2174/97898151230431230101


Natural products have dominated our lives since ancient times. Today, they are an inexhaustible source of new medications for disease treatment. The practice of evaluating bioactive compounds extracted from natural sources has also advanced significantly, prompting a need to understand current methods to identify and evaluate them.

This book covers basic scientific aspects of preclinical research on natural products for specific conditions and diseases. These include aging, gynecological disorders, inflammatory disorders, renal disorders and cardiovascular disorders. Each of the 10 book chapters give a structured overview on preclinical methods on the etiology of diseases, natural products as the materials for the bioassays, extract types, concentration of the extracts/compounds for in vitro and in vivo assays, preparation of the test materials, application of the test materials, step-by-step methods and related calculations.

The book is intended as a quick reference for natural product researchers, pharmacists and postgraduate students in pharmacognosy. Medical doctors working in preclinical research on natural products will also benefit from the information provided.


Natural product researchers, pharmacists and postgraduate students in pharmacognosy. Medical doctors working in preclinical research on natural products.


Natural products have always played a dominant role in the life of humans, influencing several aspects of biological processes and many of them are fundamental for their wellness. Taking into account, just to mention a few, the epigenetic role of natural compounds on metabolic pathways and, in the whole, on the development of the human race. Particularly, medicinal plants are an inexhaustible source of drug discovery and for the identification of scaffolds useful for the formulation of several pharmaceuticals. In this context, in vitro and in vivo methods for the assessment of preclinical activities of natural products are gaining importance. There are several methods that can be applied to assess the activities of medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites. There is a need for a detailed methodology (in terms of the procedure itself, the correct dose selection, preparation of test materials, utilization of the right solvent, specific evaluation of the solubility and compatibility properties, application particulars, as well as constructive critical evaluation of the obtained results) among the researchers who are carrying out bioactivity evaluation studies. Therefore, this book will cover every scientific aspect of preclinical scientific research on natural products. Natural product researchers, pharmacists, medical doctors, and students in pharmacognosy, chemistry and biology will be the target audience interested in the topics of this book.

The book offers an overview of preclinical methods throughout its ten chapters, focusing on the etiology of diseases, natural products as the materials for the bioassays, extract types, the concentration of the extracts/compounds for in vitro and in vivo assays, preparation of the test materials, application of the test materials, methods (step by step processes) and calculations.

Ipek Suntar
Department of Pharmacognosy
Faculty of Pharmacy
Gazi University, 06330, Etiler

Davide Barreca
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche
Farmaceutiche ed Ambientali Università di Messina Viale F.
Stagno d'Alcontres 31 98166


Luigi Milella
Department of Science
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
V.le Ateneo Lucano 10, Potenza, 85100


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