Editor: Ilesanmi Afolabi Daniyan

Principles of Automation and Control

eBook: US $44 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $75
Printed Copy: US $53
Library License: US $176
ISBN: 978-981-5080-93-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5080-92-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2023
DOI: 10.2174/97898150809261230101


Principles of Automation and Control is a concise textbook that explains the basics of robust automation and control strategies. It demonstrates the essentials for meeting consumer needs and ensuring cost-effective manufacturing processes without compromising product quality. With a focus on Industry 4.0, this book explores the principles and applications of automation in industrial systems, emphasizing efficiency, profitability, and flexibility. The thirteen chapters cover automated processes, control theory, computer control devices, industrial automation tools, and practical examples of system automation. The text uses a multidisciplinary approach with simple language to cater to the needs of readers at all levels (learners, beginner engineers, and professionals) seeking to expand their knowledge in automation and control theory and practice. Real-world case studies and empirical findings are also highlighted, which show how automated business solutions can enhance performance.

Audience: Students, beginner-level engineers, and professionals in training


With the emerging technologies, the quest for competitiveness by organisations, dynamic nature of customer requirements and market demand, need to achieve product quality and organisation’s bottom line; profitability in a time and cost effective manner, the role of automation and control cannot be overemphasised. There is a constant quest by organisations to achieve the development of smart systems for effective delivery, monitoring and control. Since manufacturing industries are profit-oriented and are concerned with the precision and productivity per worker of their plants, automatic systems offer the solution of high productivity and effective control without sacrificing precision and accuracy. Furthermore, the increasing complex nature of production or manufacturing systems requires engineers to have a proper understanding of the system’s dynamics, behaviour and control requirements. This book bridges the gap between the theory and practice by providing and validating practical principles of automation and control. It provides a practical guided approach to help learners, professionals and organisations achieve automation and control of industrial systems. Besides it offers a robust technical data and theoretical principles relating to automation and control. The book contains twelve chapters which address many important aspects of automation and control including automation classes and principles, control theories, instrumentation, supervisory systems and robotics amongst others. It also unveils the basic and fundamental principles underlying the design of control systems.

The book is ideal for readers including learners, academics, professionals, technical person- nel’s etc. as an educational and instructional resource across multi-disciplinary fields such as electrical engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, mechatronic engineering, computer engineering, system engineering and other related fields. It will help readers gain theoretical and practical knowledge of system’s control and automation so that they can be experts in the fields.

Ilesanmi Afolabi Daniyan
Department of Industrial Engineering
Tshwane University of Technology
South Africa


I wish to appreciate God Almighty for the grace and privilege to serve as the editor of this book. I wish to thank my precious wife: Dr. (Mrs) Oluwatoyin Esther Daniyan for her invaluable support all the time. I appreciate God in the lives of my two wonderful Generals of God Almighty; Daniel and Samuel. Many thanks to all the authors who contributed their ideas and findings to this book and to all the reviewers who made time out of their busy schedules to ensure a thorough review process. My appreciation goes to Dr. Adefemi Adeodu, Dr. Boitumelo Ramatsetse and Dr. Festus Fameso for their professional contributions.

Thank you all.