Editors: Muhammad Ehsan Rana, Manoj Jayabalan

Digital Innovation Adoption: Architectural Recommendations and Security Solutions

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $67
Printed Copy: US $47
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5079- 67-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5079-66-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898150796611240101


This reference reviews the architectural requirements of IT systems that are designed to digitally transform business operations. It is a compilation of 7 timely reviews that demonstrate how adopting emerging technologies and examining the security-based concerns can lead to innovation in the business sector. The aim of the book is to guide scholars and business consultants on IT and business frameworks that can help new and existing organizations navigate the challenges posed by disruptive technologies to create a competitive advantage. The reviews are contributed by experts in business and information technology.

The chapters cover diverse topics related to technological advancements and digital security measures. Chapter 1 offers insights into accessing and securing patient medical records through a blockchain-based framework, detailing research methodology, scalability, and standards. Chapter 2 discusses cyber threats in IoT-connected cars, addressing vulnerabilities, attack methods, and defense strategies. Chapter 3 focuses on malware analysis and detection using machine learning techniques. Chapter 4 emphasizes on securing IoT-based home automation. Chapter 5 presents an IoT policy and governance reference architecture to ensure integrity and security across devices. Chapter 6 explores organizational security improvements to prevent deepfake ransomware. Finally, Chapter 7 examines the use of machine learning in credit card fraud detection, discussing challenges and control layers.


Scholars, academics, business consultants, entrepreneurs.


Digital innovation assists organizations in innovating and driving services to bespoke clients that leverage high value. The integration of major disruptive technologies such as cloud, big data, IoT and blockchain has ignited the retransformation of the entire industrial arena. As a result of this convergence of technologies, organisations need to go through a mandatory process of change at a rapid pace. Every industry, from agriculture to manufacturing, transportation to education, pharmaceutical to health services, is forced to be revolutionised using innovative approaches. Organisation's products, services, and operations need to embrace a technological shift to differentiate themselves in the competitive arena and satisfy their customers' ever-increasing needs. Billions of digitally enabled devices will create the dawn of a whole new era by utilising their sensing, processing, and connectivity power through the use of the Internet of Things (IoT). Consumer-based companies rely heavily on mobile devices to deliver personal experiences. Cloud is redefining the way businesses were previously done. It is a paradigm shift from traditional IT to a more efficient, scalable, and secure infrastructure. Blockchain offers a decentralised structure that demonstrates transparency and trust and provides individual control of data. Organisations need to lay down the sophisticated architectural requirements of the proposed solutions to take advantage of the evolving digital technology. The extensive reliance on these technologies has also possessed some security challenges for providers and consumers. The ubiquitous data access via multiple end-user devices has paved the way for security and cyber threats. As information security is critical for contemporary businesses, organisations have an essential role in protecting the information to deal with highly augmented security and privacy threats. This book is intended to explore the architectural requirements of these digitally transformed systems by adopting emerging technologies and examining security-based concerns considering the vulnerabilities and countermeasures for these systems.

Muhammad Ehsan Rana
School of Computer Science
Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
Kuala Lumpur


Manoj Jayabalan
School of Computer Science & Mathematics
Liverpool John Moores University