Editors: Muhammad Ehsan Rana, Manoj Jayabalan

Digital Innovation Adoption: Architectural Recommendations and Security Solutions

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $67
Printed Copy: US $47
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-5079- 67-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5079-66-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2024
DOI: 10.2174/97898150796611240101


This reference reviews the architectural requirements of IT systems that are designed to digitally transform business operations. It is a compilation of 7 timely reviews that demonstrate how adopting emerging technologies and examining the security-based concerns can lead to innovation in the business sector. The aim of the book is to guide scholars and business consultants on IT and business frameworks that can help new and existing organizations navigate the challenges posed by disruptive technologies to create a competitive advantage. The reviews are contributed by experts in business and information technology.

The chapters cover diverse topics related to technological advancements and digital security measures. Chapter 1 offers insights into accessing and securing patient medical records through a blockchain-based framework, detailing research methodology, scalability, and standards. Chapter 2 discusses cyber threats in IoT-connected cars, addressing vulnerabilities, attack methods, and defense strategies. Chapter 3 focuses on malware analysis and detection using machine learning techniques. Chapter 4 emphasizes on securing IoT-based home automation. Chapter 5 presents an IoT policy and governance reference architecture to ensure integrity and security across devices. Chapter 6 explores organizational security improvements to prevent deepfake ransomware. Finally, Chapter 7 examines the use of machine learning in credit card fraud detection, discussing challenges and control layers.


Scholars, academics, business consultants, entrepreneurs.


I am delighted to write this foreword because I believe deeply in the importance of the topics and of high quality of the contents. There is latest and so much useful information being delivered into its 15 chapters which should not be missed. Thus it gives me a great pleasure to contribute this foreword.

As I reviewed the manuscript prior to writing this foreword, I was impressed by many unique features that I would like to share with you. The book explores the important aspect of the architectural requirements including emerging technologies and security-based concerns for digital innovation adoption. This work would be an important resource of exposure towards the Internet-of-Thing (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various important application domains.

Smart Cities and 5G Networks highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of radio and device-to-device in the context of multiple IoT use cases. IoT in Waste Management introduced an intelligent smart bin system to automate waste handling and management to contribute to green technology. Stock Monitoring System Using IoT Based Automation provided a set of recommendations for a hypermarket stock monitoring system using IoT automation. Secure Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology reviewed blockchain architecture in a health domain in order to secure patients’ medical records. E-Voting System Using Blockchain Technology implemented blockchain for e-voting systems of medium and large-scale size.

Decentralised News Using Blockchain Technology explained the implementation of blockchain via a decentralised application to combat misinformation. Cyber Threats in IoT-based Connected Cars exposed vulnerabilities for IoT-based connected cars and their implications. The use of IoT in Contact Tracing: Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures reviewed contact tracing application with IoT. AI-based Intrusion Detection System for IoT Security proposed a solution for security treats for IoT network with Intrusion Detection System. Fake News Detection Using Data Mining Approaches introduced a data mining as a technique to predict fake news.

EEG Signal Classification Using AI Techniques analysed the classification methods for EEG signals. Malware Analysis and Malicious Activity Detection Using Machine Learning reviewed AI techniques to protect and prevent security threats in the IT infrastructure. Interestingly the authors have proposed a machine-learning based detection system to classify suspicious objects. Security Vulnerabilities and Threats for IoT-based Home revealed the security vulnerabilities for the smart home concept and its protection. IoT Policy and Governance Reference Architecture discussed IoT reference architecture, policy and governance for the integrity and security of the information being transmitted within the IoT ecosystem. Organizational Security Improvement in Preventing Deepfake Ransomware highlighted the impact of deep fake ransomware to the organisation and its protection.

The content provides a widely useful compilation of ideas, cases, innovative approaches, and practical strategies for enhancing digital innovation adoption mainly covering the architecture and security. This book should be read by anyone including researchers, educators, industry practitioners and technology specialists who intend to learn, practice, and adopt innovative technology in their respective areas of interest to bring digital transformation by indulging in the architectural requirements and security concerns.

Wan Nurhayati Wan Ab. Rahman, Ph.D
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Universiti Putra Malaysia