Editor: Avinash Mishra

Algal Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals: Benefits, Opportunities, and Challenges

eBook: US $89 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $163
Printed Copy: US $118
Library License: US $356
ISBN: 978-981-5051-88-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5051-87-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2022
DOI: 10.2174/97898150518721220101


Edible algae, including seaweeds, are a source of functional food, dietary supplements, metabolites and bioactive compounds. Algal-based functional foods have potential health benefits, and their commercial value depends on their applications in the food and nutraceutical industries.

This book covers several aspects of algal based functional foods. It informs the reader about algal cultivation techniques, environmental impact, habitat, nutraceutical potential, extraction of bioactive metabolites, functional-food composition, bio-prospection, culture-induced nutraceutical compounds, algae-based bio-packaging, algal-biorefinery, toxicity, trends and future prospects. The editors present the topics in a research-oriented format while citing scholarly references.

This book is a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in the nutritional benefits and industrial utilization of algae as a sustainable food source.


The algae, including seaweeds, have gained significant global importance largely due to their extensive utilization in human foods, feed, nutraceuticals, personal care products and several other industrial products of commercial value. In the COVID pandemic, there is a growing awareness among the consumers to eat healthy diets with functional foods, otherwise known as nutraceuticals, that not only collectively boost the immune system by preventing viral and bacterial infections but also contribute to overall wellness. In recent times, considerable effort has been directed to unlock and harness the potential of algae for functional foods in conventional and modified formats. Since the functional foods represent a tiny fraction of the biomass, the remaining portion is utilized sustainably to produce beneficial commodity value products in the biorefinery model. The primary components produced from biorefinery have attracted innovations in the downstream processing industry for developing high-value niche products to create additional revenue streams and promotet6 inclusive sectoral growth. Also, algae farming is a relatively low carbon footprint activity with many positive environmental impacts.

This book gives a most updated account of the global trends and developments in the cultivation of edible algae along with their environmental impacts, trends, potentials, application and health benefits of algal-based nutraceuticals, probiotics and prebiotics, bioactive properties of algal foods, secondary metabolites, culture-induced nutraceutical compounds, algae-based bio packaging materials, biosafety aspects, etc. Further, the methods for extraction of algal metabolites, pigments and bioactive compounds have also been included and presented in this book. Also, how do algal-based foods impact human health, challenges in consumer acceptance of algal food, and industry needs besides a roadmap ahead are also covered. This book comprises 21 chapters by eminent experts in the field, providing deeper insights and newer perspectives of algae-based functional foods, their health benefits to consumers, bioprospecting of primary and secondary metabolites, and extraction methods.

I am sure the contents of this book provide the reader with a great deal of information, further advancing the knowledge in the area of algal functional foods. The researchers working on algal foods and human health will find this book a very useful reference resource.

CRK Reddy
Chief Executive Officer
Indian Centre for Climate and Societal Impacts Research
Mandvi-Katchch, 370465, India
Formerly Divisional Chair and
Chief Scientist at CSIR-CSMCRI