Editor: Islam M. Saadeldin

Series Title: Recent Advances in Biotechnology

Advances in Assisted Reproduction Technologies

Volume 5

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISSN: 2468-5364 (Print)
ISSN: 2468-5372 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-5051-67-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-5051-66-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2022
DOI: 10.2174/97898150516671220501


More than 4 decades have passed since the birth of the first in vitro fertilized baby in 1978. The use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to overcome infertility has increased steadily with the simultaneous increase in the number of fertility centers in every part of the world. Access to infertility clinics is playing an important role in the treatment of different forms of infertility (like tubal disease, ovarian aging, or ovarian dysfunction).

This book captures the state of current and recent advances in assisted reproduction technology in humans and livestock in an easy and comprehensive way for non-experts and learners. 10 chapters cover the biology of reproduction, and male ART methods (sperm retrieval and freezing) and female ART methods (oocyte activation, and cryopreservation), and finally embryo ARTs (assisted hatching and cloning techniques) with simple definitions and explanations. Tips to overcome problems are also presented where appropriate along with references for further reading.

This book is a simple primer for students who are involved in courses in embryology or reproductive technologies as part of programs in biology, biotechnology, medicine, and physiology.

Audience: General readers, and students who are taking courses in embryology or reproductive technologies as part of programs in biology, biotechnology, medicine, and physiology.


More than 4 decades have passed since the birth of the first in vitro fertilized baby in 1978. The use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to overcome infertility has increased exponentially with the simultaneous increase in the number of fertility centers in every part of the world. The use of ART continues to increase around the world, due to ever-increasing global access to infertility clinics in the treatment of different forms of infertility (like tubal disease, ovarian aging, or ovarian dysfunction).

This book captures the current and recent advances in assisted reproduction technology in humans and livestock in an easy and comprehensive way for the non-expert and the junior embryologists through simplifying each ART tool by providing definition and explanation, and how the methods are practiced and how to overcome troubleshooting, and showing the ARTs uses and significance.

This book will be an ideal reference for junior embryologists as it provides take-home messages for the current and recent ARTs. It contains ten chapters with a detailed explanation of normal reproductive physiology, male ARTs such as sperm retrieval and freezing, female ARTs such as oocyte activation, and cryopreservation, and finally embryo ARTs that include assisted hatching and cloning techniques.

Islam M. Saadeldin
Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine
Chungnam National University
Republic of Korea