Chapter 2

Propitious Development of Vaccines for SARS-CoV

Palaniswamy Rani*, Balasubramanian Ayshwariya, Ramesh Harisharan and Bhavananthi Ilackkeya


Anti-infective agents are effective for controlling infectious diseases by killing or inhibiting infectious organisms. Anti-infective agent encompasses antibiotics, antifungal agents and antiviral agents, etc. In this category, vaccines are major contributors in recent years to preventing infectious diseases. The emergence of COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) pandemic has caused a resurgence of interest in finding new vaccines. The vaccines are generally classified into conventional vaccines and recombinant vaccines. In this context, the recent development of Vaccines for SARS-CoV (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus) has to be focussed. SARS-CoV is a human virus that comes under the order of Nidovirales and the family of Coronaviridae. This virus primarily causes respiratory diseases by targeting ACE-2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) receptor. This virus is categorized into SARSCoV- 1 and SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). In this essence, the contents embrace the various aspects regarding the common vaccine development pipeline, importance of vaccination for prevention of infectious diseases, types of vaccine production methods that are implemented for SARS-CoV virus categories, potential targets for SARS-CoV vaccines, difficulties or feasibilities involved in vaccine production, phases accomplished in vaccine production and involvement of vaccines in addressing the global pandemic. In conclusion, this chapter confers the outline of vaccine progression marked up-to-date for SARS-CoV.

Total Pages: 42-75 (34)

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