Authors: Mohamed Sarrab, Hafedh Al-Shihi, Naveen Safia

Handbook of Mobile Application Development: A Guide to Selecting the Right Engineering and Quality Features

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $76
Printed Copy: US $56
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-4998-25-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-4998-24-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898149982461210101


This handbook is a concise yet complete guide to fundamental engineering requirements and quality characteristics that users, developers, and marketers of mobile applications should be aware of. It provides detailed definitions and descriptions of eight key software application features that are integral to the overall design and user experience goals, and which may often overlap with certain functionalities. The book explains the essential aspects of these features clearly to novice developers. Readers will also learn about how to optimize the listed features to tailor their applications to the needs of their users.

Key Features:

- Presents detailed information about eight different features which guide mobile application development: capability, reliability, usability, charisma, security, performance, mobility and compatibility

- Reader-friendly, structured layout of each chapter including relevant illustrations and clear language, designed for quick learning

- Focus on both software function and user perception of applications on mobile devices

- Includes a handy appendix with information about mobile learning projects and related work packages

Handbook of Mobile Application Development: A Guide to Selecting the Right Engineering and Quality Features is the ideal learning tool for novice software developers, computer science students, IT enthusiasts and marketers who want to design or develop mobile apps for an optimal user experience.


This handbook is a complete encyclopedia about engineering requirements and quality characteristics that users, developers, and marketers of mobile applications should be aware of, and it provides detailed definitions, descriptions, and those features that overlap and are often confused. Today almost everyone uses a mobile phone with a good number of applications. However, not everyone knows its full advantage. In addition, this book helps in exploiting all the apps efficiently, thereby optimizing their use. Sometimes, when one buys a latest phone from a simpler version, it is so confusing that it is common to make mistakes. Some of these mistakes are undone easily, but some have locked the device to be made accessible by the distributor, and still, some are locked forever. Especially if you have bought it in one place and traveled to another country/continent. Mobile apps are distinguished, and studies are divided into eight different angles: capability, reliability, usability, charisma, security, performance, mobility, and compatibility. They are further divided into subsections for clarity. Every chapter has an introduction to all points discussed and a picture projects the different subsections in a user-friendly way. It not only describes each function but also sheds light on the perceptions of users. It is completely from the user’s perspective. It is extremely useful to developers as it does highlight some performance issues like delay issue if the user misuses the app, he blames the app for 2 to 3 seconds of waiting time which is considered as delay, while a computer start time is about a minute with much more performance capacity. Also, the challenges are different types of users, different mobile phones with different capacities, with much varied and continually updated mobile apps.

This guide shows you how to:

  1. Think through the design instead of just throwing UI elements.
  2. Allow an intuitive design flow to emerging from your app.
  3. Sketch and wireframe apps more effectively.
  4. Reflect key differences among smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  5. Design for visual appeal without compromising usability.
  6. Work effectively with programmers.
  7. Make sure your apps are accessible to everyone.
  8. Get usable feedback, and understand what it is telling you.
  9. Learn valuable lessons from today's most successful apps.
  10. Refresh your designs in new apps and future versions.
  11. Discover new tools for designing more successfully.


Not applicable.


The authors [Mohamed Sarrab, Hafedh Al-Shihi, and Naveen Safia] of the enclosed manuscript titled: “Handbook of Mobile Application Development: A Guide to Selecting the Right Engineering, and Quality Features” have research support from The Research Council - Sultanate of Oman. Project [code: ORG/ICT/13/002]. Project title: M-Learning in Oman: Development, Adoption, and Dissemination..


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, I give thanks to Him for supporting us with the strength to complete this book. Without His support, none of this effort would have been possible. This book could not have been possibly completed without the recommendations, support, and advice of many people.

The idea for this book was generated because of the mobile learning research project. This research project is funded by The Research Council (TRC) of the Sultanate of Oman: under Grant No: ORG/SQU/ICT/13/006, ( Project details are attached in appendix I. Thanks to The Research Council (TRC) of the Sultanate of Oman for taking a leadership role in this innovative research and for funding this important mobile learning project.

Mohamed Sarrab

Hafedh Al-Shihi


Naveen Safia
Communication and Information Research Center
Sultan Qaboos University


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