Editor: Norhafiza Mat Lazim

Series Title: Frontiers in Inflammation

Head and Neck Cancer: Hallmarks of The Inflammation Ecosystem

Volume 2

eBook: US $119 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $217
Printed Copy: US $157
Library License: US $476
ISSN: 2468-1466 (Print)
ISSN: 2468-1474 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-18-0322-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-18-0324-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898118032461210201


This reference comprehensively covers the clinical aspects of head and neck neoplasms while also highlighting the relationship that exists between inflammation and these cancers. This relationship is critical as it dictates the risks, assessment, treatment, and prognosis of head and neck cancer patients. The book starts with an introduction to the inflammation ecosystem in head and neck malignancy, followed by detailed discussions on the types of head and neck malignancy and their histological classification. The book then provides information about specialized topics relevant to the specialty of head and neck oncology.

Key Features:

- Comprehensive coverage of head and neck cancers with topic-based chapters

- Introductory text explaining the basics of inflammation

- Detailed information on the relationship between inflammation and head and neck neoplasms

- Information about the classification of head and neck cancers

- Methods for diagnosis and treatment

- Special topics such as complications caused by HPV infections, chemoradiation, immune-targeted therapy, and inflammatory biomarkers

- References for further reading

The combination of basic and advanced topics makes this book an informative reference for medical students and professionals at all levels. Residents specializing in otolaryngology, oncology, and surgery as well as researchers studying inflammation will also gain an understanding of the subject in relation to oncogenesis.


The idea for this research book ‘Head and Neck Cancer and Hallmark of Inflammation ecosystem’was cultivated during an assembly with the international experts at one of Academy of Science Malaysia scientific events. This research bookaims to highlight the significant roles of inflammation in head and neck malignancy. This entails the screening, diagnosis, treatment as well as follow-up schemes of head and neck cancer patients. Now, we know that the inflammation is the 7th hallmark of malignancy, and it has intimate relationship with the development and promotion of carcinogenesis, dictates the behaviour of cancer and may responsible for recurrent and metastatic disease.

Inflammation is significant, and the scope of this book is wide and encompasses all critical issues faced by clinicians, researchers, students, and other health-related personnel in managing head and neck malignancies. The book provides details on inflammation and its interaction in an ecosystem. Myriads of newly emerging inflammatory markers are interacting within a cohesive system in promoting carcinogenesis, tumour recurrent and metastases. Understanding these exquisite roles of inflammation may also serve for the development of potent therapeutic agents at the near future.

The chapters are nicely arranged with a start on a description of head and neck malignancy and its’ types, followed by the risk factors where roles of inflammation in discovered and discussed in great depth. The inflammatory markers that are commonly studied which involved in the pathogenesis of head and neck malignancy are elaborated. Roles of specific inflammatory markers, especially in patient’s stratification, prognosis, and survival, are pivotal, hence deserve critical attention from the scientific community.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Ms. Fariya Zulfiqar for her continuous commitment and dedicated work as well as to all managing team at Bentham Science for their relentless support. This book will be a great addition to current scientific literature on head and neck malignancy, especially in relation to the significant roles of inflammation.

Norhafiza Mat Lazim
Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Health Campus, 16150, Kubang Kerian
Kelantan, Malaysia


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.Alternative Remedies and Natural Products for Cancer Therapy: An Integrative Approach.