Editor: Anoop Kumar

COVID-19: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives

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ISBN: 978-981-14-9863-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-9864-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898114986401210101
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COVID-19: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives informs readers about the current status of knowledge on COVID-19 infection. The book begins by presenting basic information about the history, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures against COVID-19. The second part of the book contains information about the repurposing of drugs, herbal medicines, and immunotherapy against COVID-19 infections. Integrating both general and advanced information about Sars-cov-2, this book updates a wide range of readers including students, researchers (virologists, pharmacologists), health care professionals (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, paramedics) and the general public on novel coronaviruses and COVID-19.


Recently, a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) emerged in China and rapidly spread worldwide. It is declared an ongoing outbreak as a global public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO). Currently, health authorities of the world, including India focused on rapid diagnosis and isolation of patients as well as the search for therapies to counter the most severe effects of this infection.

This book intends to bring more rigorous knowledge of COVID-19. This book provides a general introduction about COVID-19, history, diagnosis, treatment, and management, along with its pathological mechanisms. In addition, it also explains the possible mechanism of deaths, targets, repurposing of drugs, herbal medicines in the treatment of COVID-19 infection.

This book has been recognized within 14 chapters presented in a logical sequence. Chapter-1 Introduction. Chapter-2 discusses the History and Epidemiology. Chapter-3 discusses the pathogenesis. Chapter-4 compiled the information regarding diagnostic, treatment, and preventive approaches. Chapter-5 discusses Convalescent Plasma for treatment of COVID-19 infection. Chapter 6 discusses the effects of early lockdown in India during the outbreak of COVID-19. Chapter-7 provides an overview of COVID-19 altered immune signalling. Chapter-8 discusses about the alteration of brain signalling pathways due to COVID-19. Chapter-9 discusses about the risk factors and complications associated with COVID-19. Chapter-10 provides an overview of the possible mechanism of deaths. Chapter-11 discusses the possible targets. Chapter-12 briefs about the repurposing of drugs. Chapter-13 provides an overview of herbals for COVID-19 infections. Chapter-14 discusses current challenges and future perspectives.

The editor wishes to express their considerable appreciation to the Publisher who took over the management of the production of this book in difficult circumstances and whose contribution is much appreciated. We trust this book will be useful to researchers, students as well as the general public and we believe that better knowledge of this virus could result in the effective treatment.

Anoop Kumar
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER)-Raebareli
Lucknow, 226002, U.P.


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