Editor: Anoop Kumar

COVID-19: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives

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Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-14-9863-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-9864-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898114986401210101
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COVID-19: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives informs readers about the current status of knowledge on COVID-19 infection. The book begins by presenting basic information about the history, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and preventive measures against COVID-19. The second part of the book contains information about the repurposing of drugs, herbal medicines, and immunotherapy against COVID-19 infections. Integrating both general and advanced information about Sars-cov-2, this book updates a wide range of readers including students, researchers (virologists, pharmacologists), health care professionals (physicians, nurses, pharmacists, paramedics) and the general public on novel coronaviruses and COVID-19.


Recent novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) first emerged from China and rapidly spreading all over the world has caused the unprecedented havoc all over the globe. It has been declared a pandemic and global public health emergency by World Health Organization (WHO). The spread of this virus is continuous despite many drastic containment measures (complete lockdown, curfews, etc.). As on 16th June 2020, more than 82,56,725 cases of COVID-19 have been reported over in 190 countries and territories, resulting in approximately 4,45,958 deaths. Health authorities all over the world are struggling to develop possible prevention and therapeutic measure.

This book entitled ‘COVID-19:Current Challenges and Future Perspectives’ provides a comprehensive view on COVID-19 infection’’ is a guide for health care professionals, researchers, academicians, and regulators. The authors and the publishers need to be commended for providing timely and useful information.

This book is designed to aid the rapid understanding of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment of COVID-19 infections. I am excited about this book and looking forward to its publication at an early deadline.

Dr. S.J.S. Flora
NIPER, Raebareli


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