Author: Ambika Nagaraj

Introduction to Sensors in IoT and Cloud Computing Applications

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $145
Printed Copy: US $105
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-981-14-7933-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7935-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97898114793591210101


Introduction to Sensors in IoT and Cloud Computing Applications provides information about sensors and their applications. Readers are first introduced to the concept of small instruments and their application as sensors. The chapters which follow explain Internet of Things (IoT) architecture while providing notes on the implementation, demonstration and related issues of IoT systems. The book continues to explore the topic by providing information about sensor-cloud infrastructure, mobile cloud, fog computing (an extension of cloud computing that takes cloud computing to the cutting-edge of networking where data is produced) and integration of IoT devices with cloud computing. The book also presents notes on the taxonomy of fog-computing systems. The six chapters in this book provide essential information for general readers, and students of computer science to understand the basics of cloud computing networks, related concepts and applications.


Ongoing advances in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) innovation, remote interchanges, and computerized gadgets have empowered the improvement of ease, low-power, multifunctional sensor hubs that are little in the estimate and impart untethered in short separations. These little sensor hubs, which comprise detecting, information preparing, and conveying parts, influence the possibility of sensor systems dependent on community exertion of an enormous number of hubs.

Intelligent sensors are worked as IoT segments that convert this present reality variable that they're estimating into a computerized information stream for transmission to a gateway. Internet of Things (IoT) applications, regardless of whether for city foundations, plants, or wearable gadgets utilize enormous varieties of sensors gathering information for transmission over the Internet to a local, cloud-based figuring asset. Investigation programming running on the cloud PCs lessens the enormous volumes of created information into noteworthy data for clients, and directions to actuators retreat in the field. The integration of the three has provided ease as well as huge profit for various businesses. The book provides an insight into the different technologies – sensors, Internet-of-things (IoT), and cloud computing. The technologies join hand-in-hand to build a better system aiding betterment to society. The integration has aided in building a robust system yielding profitable business to all the stockholders.

This book is a collection of various suggestions provided by the authors towards sensors, IoT, cloud, and integration technology. The chapters summaries the use of the technology in various applications, shortcomings and future directions suggested by various authors. The collection is profitable for young readers providing better insight into various technologies, researchers and students.

I would like to thank Bentham Science publications for providing me an opportunity to write this book. I would like to thank my college management for their support and cooperation. I would also like to thank my family and friends for their encouragement.


Not applicable.


The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or otherwise.


Declared none.

Ambika Nagaraj
MCA, M.Phil, Ph.D
Department of Computer Applications
SSMRV College, Bangalore


.IoT-enabled Sensor Networks: Architecture, Methodologies, Security, and Futuristic Applications.
.Human-Computer Interaction and Beyond: Advances Towards Smart and Interconnected Environments (Part II).
.Human-Computer Interaction and Beyond: Advances Towards Smart and Interconnected Environments
(Part 1).