Editors: Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano

Risks and Challenges of Hazardous Waste Management: Reviews and Case Studies

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $119
Printed Copy: US $84
Library License: US $276
ISBN: 978-981-14-7248-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-7246-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114724661200101


This reference presents reviews and case studies of hazardous waste management in a selection of cities. The overarching themes of the compiled topics include 1) the problems of healthcare waste management, 2) case studies of hazardous waste mismanagement, 3) health risks associated with environmental waste, issues in environmental health and 4) grassroots environmentalism.

The volume initially presents reviews and case studies from developing countries, including countries in South America (Argentina), Africa (Algeria and Nigeria), and Asia (India). The latter chapters of the book focus on environmental issues in Campania, a region in Italy. These chapters also provide an insight into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on waste management practices in this region.

Risks and Challenges of Hazardous Waste Management is an insightful reference for management trainees, professionals and researchers associated with waste management and environmental health firms. Readers will gain insights into current issues and practices in the respective industries. The reviews and case studies presented in the reference are also useful to professionals involved in risk assessment studies.


- Pp. i-iii (3)
Miriam Kennet
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- Pp. iv
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano
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List of Contributors

- Pp. v-vi (2)
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano
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Healthcare Waste: A Challenge for Best Management Practices in Developing Countries

- Pp. 1-24 (24)
Ernesto de Titto, Atilio Savino

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A Review of the Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Healthcare Wastes Workers (HCWS) on Medical Waste in Developing Countries

- Pp. 25-45 (21)
Y.Y. Babanyara, Abdulkadir Aliyu, B.A Gana, Maryam Musa

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Blood Exposure Accidents: Knowledge and Evaluation of Health Professional in the Emergency Pavilion of the Hospital of Batna City

- Pp. 46-62 (17)
Sefouhi Linda, BenBouza Amina, Houfani Roufaida

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Hazardous Waste Management in India: Risks and Challenges Associated with Hazardous Waste

- Pp. 63-88 (26)
Arvind K umar Shukla, Sandhya Shukla

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The E-waste Situation in India and Health Impact on Population

- Pp. 89-99 (11)
S.V. A .R. Sastry

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Hazardous Waste Management and Geological Aspects in Campania (A Case Study)

- Pp. 100-123 (24)
Caputo Gaetano

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Environmental and Human Health Issues in Campania Region Italy

- Pp. 124-142 (19)
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano, Giulio Tarro

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A Case Study on Grassroots Environmentalism for Health and Sustainability in the Land of Fires (Italy)

- Pp. 143-156 (14)
Salvatore Paolo De Rosa, Lucio Righetti, Annamaria Martuscelli

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The Outbreak of the Pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and its Impact on Medical Waste Management

- Pp. 157-177 (21)
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano, Giulio Tarro

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Subject Index

- Pp. 178-185 (8)
Gabriella Marfe, Carla Di Stefano
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.Nanomaterials An Approach Towards Environmental remediation.
.Green Solutions for Degradation of Pollutants.
.Technology for a Sustainable Environment.
.Microplastic Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control.