Chapter 3

Blood Exposure Accidents: Knowledge and Evaluation of Health Professional in the Emergency Pavilion of the Hospital of Batna City

Sefouhi Linda, BenBouza Amina and Houfani Roufaida


Blood Exposure Accidents (BEA) are a real risk to personnel health, particularly in developing countries. The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and attitudes of health personnel on BEA, know the existing safety equipment and its application by the staff, and propose improvements to have an effective protection prevention system. We have, therefore, conducted a survey during the month of May 2019 in order to assess the current situation. A previously developed questionnaire was provided to health personnel who had direct daily contact with patients. The results showed a good knowledge of the risk and indicate that accidents involving exposure to blood are frequent and can result in serious consequences, including infection with hepatitis B and C viruses, as well as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), they may be due to neglect of preventive measures, lack of contact with occupational medicine, work overload…etc. Blood Exposure Accidents are still a concern in our community. There is a high rate of needle stick injuries in daily hospital practice. Then information tools are needed both training for staff with regard to BEA, can reduce the severity of exposure.

Total Pages: 46-62 (17)

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