Editors: Haythem Nasraoui, Moubarek Bsisa, Zied Driss

Series Title: Recent Advances in Renewable Energy

Solar Chimney Power Plants: Numerical Investigations and Experimental Validation

Volume 4

eBook: US $69 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $126
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $276
ISSN: 2543-2389 (Print)
ISSN: 2543-2397 (Online)
ISBN: 978-981-14-6173-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-6175-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114617501200401


Solar Chimney Power Plants: Numerical Investigations and Experimental Validation summarizes the effect of the geometrical parameters of a solar chimney on the airflow behavior inside a solar chimney power plant. Chapters in this experimental handbook are presented in two parts with the goal of equipping readers with the information necessary to study and determine key factors which affect the performance of the solar chimney power plant.

In the first part, the authors present a simulation developed by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling software ANSYS Fluent to model the airflow. The adopted CFD models include k-ɛ turbulence model, the DO radiation model and the convection heat flux transfer model. These models have been validated with anterior experimental results.

In the second part, the simulated models are then tested with alternate geometric configurations of the solar chimney power plant. The numerical studies allow readers to consider ways to expand on the design optimizing of the solar chimney when constructing a prototype. Geometrical parameters include the height, the diameter of the chimney and the dimensions of the solar collector and their effect on the temperature and air pressure is documented to validate models used for experimental simulations.

The handbook also includes a study of an experimental prototype, constructed at ENIS. The researchers have gathered data on the environmental temperature, distribution of the temperature, air velocity and the power output generated by the turbine, the solar radiation and the gap of temperature in the collector of the prototype.


This book aims to study the effect of the geometrical parameters on the airflow behavior inside a solar chimney power plant.

In the first part, we have developed simulation by using the CFD software ANSYS Fluent to model the airflow. In these conditions, we have adopted the realizable k-ɛ turbulence model, the DO radiation model, and the convection heat flux transfer model. These models have been validated with anterior experimental results due to the acceptable coherence between results. In the second part, alternate geometric configurations of the solar chimney power plant were numerically studied to expand on the design optimizing of the solar chimney. The goal is the study of the effect of the geometric parameters on the airflow behavior inside the solar chimney to obtain an optimal size available to construct a prototype of a solar chimney power plant. The developed study confirms that the increase in the height and diameter of the chimney, and the diameter of the collector increases the temperature and the air velocity. However, an increase in the collector height decreases these parameters. An experimental study is also presented in the last part of this book. The experimental prototype, constructed at ENIS, is used to study the environmental temperature, distribution of the temperature, air velocity, and the power output generated by the turbine. The main results were found from this prototype are the solar radiation and the gap of temperature in the collector. These parameters are important factors affecting the performance of the solar chimney power plant.


The authors sincerely and heartily acknowledge their colleagues from the Laboratory of Electro Mechanic Systems, for the assistance and advice relating to this book. Particularly, they would like to express their sincere gratitude to Dr. Ahmed Ayadi, Dr. Abdallah Bouabidi, and Prof. Mohamed Salah Abid for their continuous help and support.


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The author(s) confirm that this chapter contents have no conflict of interest.

Haythem Nasraoui, Moubarek Bsisa & Zied Driss
Laboratory of Electromechanical Systems (LASEM),
National School of Engineers of Sfax (ENIS),
University of Sfax (US),
B.P. 1173, Road Soukra km 3.5, 3038, Sfax, Tunisia