Editors: Keyvan Moghissi, Jack Kastelik, Philip Barber, Peyman Sardari Nia

Series Title: Frontiers in Lung Cancer

Perspectives in Lung Cancer

Volume 1

eBook: US $99 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $181
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $396
ISBN: 978-981-14-5954-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-5956-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114595661200101


Perspectives in Lung Cancer compiles basic and advanced topics on lung cancer pathology and treatment in a single volume. Chapters introduce the reader to chest and lung anatomy followed by the biology of lung cancer. Subsequent chapters delve into diagnostic methods for lung cancer while progressing into treatment options. The book culminates into an explanation of the concept of the Lung Cancer Centre, which is a representation of the editors’ vision for organizing a lung cancer treatment unit.

Key features:

  1. -Organizes key topics covering both standard and avante-garde topics related to lung cancer
  2. -All contributions are presented by experts in lung cancer treatment
  3. -Addresses basic biology of lung cancer
  4. -Provides information about 3D surgical planning, a relatively new concept in the field of thoracic surgery
  5. -Addresses the standard method of resection, VATS and Mini VATS
  6. -Covers the role of radiation and systemic anti-cancer therapies in lung cancer treatment
  7. -Provides a glimpse of modern methods such as image guided surgery and therapy, laser therapy, and photodynamic therapy
  8. -Covers the role of palliative care for lung cancer
  9. -Presents information about a visionary organization of a lung cancer unit and treatment centre

The combination of carefully organised chapters covering a wide array of topics make this reference an essential reference for healthcare professionals interested in acquiring a broad perspective on lung cancer treatment with the goal of improving patient outcomes.


In a career extending over six decades in Cardiothoracic Surgery, I have witnessed many innovations, advances, and changes in all aspects of lung cancer and its treatment. Some resulted from the inevitable consequences of re-organization in health care, others related to ephemeral meteors in fashion. One thing, which has not significantly altered concerns the overall outcome for lung cancer, as measured by actual - as opposed to actuarial – survival, which has remained weak.

The aims and objectives of this book are to provide an update on current understandings of lung cancer and the pathways to diagnosis and treatment for the readers, surgeons, physicians, scientists, health care professionals and others.. The more general ethos has been to remind readers of some of the long-standing basics, together with contemporary and state of the art diagnostic and therapeutic methods

I believe that, with the help of my colleagues, the authors, we have gone a long way towards the realization of this aim. I thank them for their contributions and enthusiasm.

I am greatly indebted to Kate Dixon, my colleague, and friend, for her devotion in attempting to organize both me and the book.

I acknowledge with thanks my secretary, Janet Melvin, who has spent hours in typing and formatting the manuscripts. Sirpa Pajunen-Moghissi had to re-draw many of the figures at short notice. It is a pleasure to acknowledge her effort with thanks.

Last but not the least, my sincere appreciation to Miss Mariam Mehdi, Assistant Manager (Publications) at Bentham, who has been a constant source of energy and empathy, and also Mr. Obaid Sadiq, Manager, Bentham Books, who supervised publication.

Keyvan Moghissi:
The Yorkshire Laser Centre, Goole, UK;


.Nanomaterials in Glioblastoma Research, Diagnosis and Therapy.
.Advancements in Cancer Research: Exploring Diagnostics and Therapeutic Breakthroughs.
.Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents.
.Alternative Remedies and Natural Products for Cancer Therapy: An Integrative Approach.