Editors: Samuel Honório, Marco Batista, Helena Mesquita, Jaime Ribeiro

Multidisciplinary Interventions for People with Diverse Needs - A Training Guide for Teachers, Students, and Professionals

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $72
Printed Copy: US $52
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-14-4675-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-4677-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2020
DOI: 10.2174/97898114467711200101


Multidisciplinary Interventions for People with Diverse Needs is a book written from an interdisciplinary perspective with the objective of helping readers to understand the problems faced by people with special needs.

Key Features:

- provides an updated theoretical and contextual foundation of medical issues

- provides information about the meaning, evaluation and intervention of the problems related to a variety of debilitating diseases and disability conditions (dementia, language disorders, diabetes, alterations of consciousness, celiac disease and disability in general)

- contains an accessible, well written, didactic text which is useful to both students and working professionals

The book equips the reader with information about different approaches to medical and social issues that arise when dealing with persons who are experiencing some degree of disability. For teachers and working professionals, the handbook serves as a guide for teaching, for the development of the structure of training courses, for the design of evaluation models and intervention of the topics addressed in the book.

The combination of information about the professional and human aspects of special needs education makes this book a useful reference for pedagogues, psychologists, students, teachers and professionals involved in social science, healthcare, and sports medicine, among other fields.


Multidisciplinary Interventions for People with Diverse Needs is a book written from an interdisciplinary perspective that has the objective of helping to understand the problems from people with special needs.

It is an entertaining, well written, didactic book that will be useful for students and professionals interested in studying several and different approaches related to the meaning, evaluation and intervention of the problems related to dementia, language disorders, diabetes, alterations of consciousness, celiac disease and disability in general. The different chapters offer an updated theoretical foundation that allows contextualizing and justifying the development of these issues. For the students it will be a useful work to develop the foundation and justification of research related to the final projects of degrees, master's degrees and doctoral theses.

For teachers and professionals the work will serve as a guide for teaching, for the development of the structure of training courses, for the design of evaluation models and intervention of the topics addressed in the book. The authors of this book are experts, of recognized prestige, who come mainly from the academic world, who have achieved a balance between the rigor and depth of analysis of the different topics, and the development of an accessible text for different profiles of readers and use.

Pedagogues, psychologists, students, teachers and professionals from the Social and Health Sciences, Sports Sciences, among others, will find in this book a place to lean out to discover very interesting academic, professional and human aspects related to the world of special needs.

Prof. Sixto Cubo Delgado
Universidad de Extremadura


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