Editor: Andrea Vasconsuelo

Sex Steroids and Apoptosis In Skeletal Muscle: Molecular Mechanisms

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $123
Printed Copy: US $98
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-981-14-1235-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-1236-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2019
DOI: 10.2174/97898114123631190101


This monograph focuses on the actions exerted by sex hormones, 17β-estradiol and testosterone, in skeletal muscle tissue. An important consideration of this volume is the fact that both estrogen receptors (ERs) and androgen receptors (ARs) are ubiquitously expressed and, as a result, steroid hormones affect growth and different cell functions in several organs. Moreover, ERs and ARs may have a non-classical pattern of intracellular localizations, raising complexity to the functional roles of estradiol and testosterone.

Readers will find key information about the role of sex hormones in mitochondrial physiology and their relation with ageing, apoptosis, and sarcopenia. Chapters integrate important points with the latest information on the subject, including work of leading researchers studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the age-linked changes in muscle tissue while highlighting the role of satellite cells.

Furthermore, the book presents a chapter about phytoestrogens (compounds which are structurally very similar to estrogen 17β-estradiol) and their selective action on sex steroid receptors (specifically, they have a higher affinity for ERβ receptors than ERα receptors).

The book is recommended reading for scientists and clinicians involved in the field of medical and health sciences as well as for scholarly readers (students of biochemistry and medicine) who are interested in the molecular mechanism of cellular apoptosis regulated by steroid hormones.


Aging has serious consequences on skeletal muscle. ‘Sarcopenia’, the progressive loss of muscle mass and associated muscle weakness during elderly, affects radically the functional capacity and general health in adult people and renders frail elders susceptible to serious injury from sudden falls and fractures and at risk for losing their functional independence. There is a vital need to recognise the molecular mechanisms and regulatory factors, underlying age-related muscle wasting and to develop therapeutic strategies that can attenuate, prevent, or finally reverse sarcopenia. In this context, sexual hormones play a key role.

The book, SEX STEROIDS AND APOPTOSIS IN SKELETAL MUSCLE: MOLECULAR MECHANISMS, written by Dr. Andrea Vasconsuelo aims to provide a new way to perceive the role of sex hormones in skeletal muscle. The book present in integrated form the latest information on sarcopenia and its relation with apoptosis, from leading researchers studying the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying age-linked changes in skeletal muscle emphasising on the role of satellite cells. The authors succeed to explain, how hormones are involved in muscle homeostasis and in the regulation of apoptosis process and how these two functions connect to maintain a healthy muscle or to trigger pathologies. Therefore, the goal of this work is the combination of that information focusing on the molecular level and resulting in the clarification of molecular mechanisms implicated in skeletal muscle aging; when apoptosis is more intense and sex hormones levels decline. Very interesting, the book contains a chapter describing molecular structure of phytoestrogens and their action on sex steroids receptors. In addition, it is possible to emphasize the drafting writing promoting easy and pleasant reading, numerous and careful documentation, high quality images of the authors' experiments and comprehensive and updated bibliography. This ebook is of interest to graduates and postgraduates in the fields of medicine and biochemistry, researchers of different aspects of ageing biology and people of the pharmaceutical, and health-care industry.

Dr. Anabela La Colla
Dpto. De Química,
Facultad de Cincias Exactas y Naturales,
Universidad Nacional De
Mar del Plata. Argentina.