Authors: Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh

Arduino and SCILAB based Projects

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $111
Printed Copy: US $91
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-981-14-1091-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-981-14-1092-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2019
DOI: 10.2174/97898114109251190101


Arduino and Scilab based Projects provides information ranging from the basics to advanced knowledge of Arduino and its interfacing with input/output devices (display devices, actuators, sensors), communication modules (RF modem, Zigbee) and Scilab. It also provides embedded system based on Arduino with simulation, programming and interfacing with Scilab, Arduino interfacing with Scilab with and without Arduino 1.1 packages. Chapters are arranged in an easy-to-understand sequence that enhances the learning experience for readers. Descriptions of real time project prototypes with programming and simulation of Arduino and Scilab.


The primary objective of writing this book is to provide a platform for the beginners to get started with Arduino and its interfacing with SCILAB. The book provides the basic knowledge of the programming and interfacing of the devices with Arduino and SCILAB.

This book provides basics to advanced knowledge of Arduino and its interfacing with input/output devices (display devices, actuators, sensors), communication modules (RF modem, Zigbee) and SCILAB. This would be beneficial for the people who want to get started with embedded system projects. It provides embedded system based on Arduino with simulation, programming and interfacing with SCILAB, all at a single platform. Arduino interfacing with SCILAB with and without Arduino_1.1 packages are included. Basics of the Arduino are covered in section-A, section-B covers interfacing with Scilab Arduino_1.1 package and section-C covers projects without Scilab Arduino_1.1 package.

The concept which makes this book unique is descriptions of real time project prototypes with programming and simulation of Arduino and SCILAB. This book is entirely based on the practical experience of the authors, while undergoing projects with the students and industries. Although the circuits and programs mentioned in the text are tested, but in case of any mistake we extend our sincere apologies. Any suggestions to improve the contents of book are always welcome and will be appreciated and acknowledged.


We acknowledge the support from ‘Nutty Engineer’ to use its products to demonstrate and explain the working of the systems. We would like to thank ‘BENTHAM SCIENCE’ for encouraging our idea about this book and the support to manage the project efficiently.

We are grateful to the honorable Chancellor (Lovely Professional University) Ashok Mittal, Mrs. Rashmi Mittal (Pro Chancellor, LPU), Dr. Ramesh Kanwar (Vice Chancellor, LPU), Dr. Loviraj Gupta (Executive Dean, LPU) for their support. In addition, we are thankful to our family, friends, relatives, colleagues and students for their moral support and blessings.


The author(s) declared no conflict of interest regarding the contents of each of the chapters of this book.

Rajesh Singh and Anita Gehlot
Electronics & Communication Dept.
Lovely Professional University,

Bhupendra Singh

Schematics Microelectronics,


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