Editors: Catherine Ann Cameron, Claudia Stella

Thriving Across the Lifespan and Around the Globe: Day in the Life Visual Research Approach

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $72
Printed Copy: US $52
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-68108-881-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-880-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97816810888081210101


Thriving Across the Lifespan and Around the Globe: Day in the Life Visual Research Approach is the result of several decades of international, pan-disciplinary research-team collaborations using quasi-ecological visual methodologies to investigate the psychosocial development of children in diverse communities. The initial studies highlighted in this work involved filming a ‘Day in the Life’ of toddlers and primary school children, their families, and schools in diverse communities in Asia, South and North America, and Europe. Filmed in their homes and communities for an entire day, the youngest participants were commonly seen to be thriving in diverse psychosocial domains, such as in their security strivings, emergent literacy and graphic representations, and musicality. Research shows that the nature of a child's development can vary in as many ways as there are diverse contexts. Thriving in the transition from home to primary school is a second developmental milestone investigated in the research.

The book serves as an account of the lived experiences of thriving children,among their families, their schools and their communities. The contents give an invaluable insight into the psychology of early childhood while giving the reader an opportunity to understand the resilience of mobile early teenagers as well as independent older adults. The contributions in the book also provide an additional layer to our understanding of visual ethnography by covering such phenomena as agency and communitarianism, spirituality, and the place of humour in the context of challenges encountered across the lifespan. Through presenting quasi-ecological experimental approaches, this reference enhances the reader’s insight into the texture and nature of thriving in situ, in natural contexts.

Audience: Child psychologists, social workers, researchers, educators and scholars in the field of cultural studies, social sciences, anthropology, ethnography and allied disciplines.


- Pp. i
Carolyn Brooks
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- Pp. ii-iii (2)
Catherine Ann Cameron
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iv

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Development of the Day in the Life Approach for Studying Participants Across the Lifespan and Around the Globe

- Pp. 1-5 (5)
Catherine Ann Cameron*

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Brief History of the Changing Trends in Audio- Visual and Visual Research

- Pp. 6-18 (13)
Nora Didkowsky*

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Importance of Video-Centred Ethnography in a Day in the Life Project: A Case of Beavers and Citizenship

- Pp. 19-26 (8)
Julia Gillen*, Catherine Ann Cameron

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Behind the Scene: Reflections on Researchers' Experiences While Capturing Audio-Visual Data during a Day in the Life

- Pp. 27-37 (11)
Nora Didkowsky*, Cindy Lau

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Touch as a Communicative and Exploratory Medium

- Pp. 38-47 (10)
Nuala Hancock, Roger Hancock*

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Family, School, and Transition: Importance of Family Support in this Process

- Pp. 48-55 (8)
Roseli Fernandes Caldas*, Bruno Bertoni Giusti Roque

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Home Work: Bridging the Worlds of Home and School

- Pp. 56-62 (7)
Anne Kathryn Hunt*, Catherine Ann Cameron, Serena Jenkins

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Benefits of Cultural Transitions to Educational Success

- Pp. 63-71 (9)
Roseli Fernandes Caldas*, Guilherme Silveira Caltabellotta, Lara Di Mauro Pedro

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Success Among Peers: Social Skills in Adaptive Process

- Pp. 72-81 (10)
Susete Figueiredo Bacchereti*, Caroline Leão de Morais, Tainner Vinicius Pinheiro de Almeida

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Learning Through Imitation in Daily-Life at Home and School

- Pp. 82-95 (14)
Monica Toselli, Giuliana Pinto*, Catherine Ann Cameron

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Musicality and Intergenerational Support for Thriving Children in Transition: Estela’s Case Study

- Pp. 96-104 (9)
Claudia Stella*, Juliana Muniz Nazima

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Successful Integration of New and Heritage Cultures

- Pp. 105-111 (7)
Susete Figueiredo Bacchereti*, Fernanda Baltieri Bergantin, Thais La Rosa

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“When you Laugh, the World is Again Beautiful”: Use of Humour by Thriving Older Adults

- Pp. 112-123 (12)
Nora Didkowsky*, E. Leslie Cameron, Catherine Ann Cameron

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Spirituality as Support for Thriving Elderly People at an Advanced Age: Ana’s Case Study

- Pp. 124-131 (8)
Claudia Stella*, Letícia dos Santos Gouveia

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Day in the Life Approach: History and Future Perspectives

- Pp. 132-136 (5)
Catherine Ann Cameron*, Vanessa Figueiredo

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Author Index

- Pp. 137-141 (5)

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Subject Index

- Pp. 142-147 (6)

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