Chapter 4

Classification Problems in Healthcare Applications

Kamil Dimililer*


Health, considered the state of individual physical well-being, is greatly affected by factors, such as the physical environment and everything within an individual. Individuals in poor health require monitoring to be observed in the hospital, home, or anywhere being cared for. Many healthcare applications are being recorded and classified considering the health of humans, using Machine Learning algorithms. The healthcare system has rapidly advanced in technology. Applications in healthcare mainly comprise the IoT (Internet of Things), which are smart mobile devices, and the healthcare applications required for keeping track of individual health status, medical staff prescription, and medical history. In this chapter, modalities of Medical imaging and machine learning methods used in prediction will be studied. The classification in medical applications will also be studied and discussed in detail.

Total Pages: 40-61 (22)

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.Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and User Interface Design.
.Artificial Intelligence and Multimedia Data Engineering - Volume 1.
.Blockchain Technology in Healthcare Concepts, Methodologies, and Applications.
.Research Trends in Artificial Intelligence: Internet of Things.