Editors: Jafar Mehdi Hassan, Riyadh S. Al-Turaihi, Salman Hussien Omran, Laith Jaafer Habeeb, Alamaslamani Ammar Fadhil Shnawa

Turbulent Flow and Boundary Layer Theory: Selected Topics and Solved Problems

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $145
Printed Copy: US $105
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-1-68108-812-9 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-811-2 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2021
DOI: 10.2174/97816810881121210101


Turbulent Flow and Boundary Layer Theory: Selected Topics and Solved Problems explains fundamental concepts of turbulent flow with boundary layer analysis. A general introduction to turbulent flow familiarizes the reader with the mechanics of turbulence in fluid flow in both nature and engineering applications. The book also explains related concepts including transient flow, methods for controlling transients, turbulent models and dynamic equations for unsteady flow through closed conduits. The contents of the book are designed to help both students and teachers in carrying out turbulent flow analysis and solving problems in engineering and hydraulic applications.

Key Features:
  • - All the basic concepts in turbulent flow are clearly identified and presented in a simple manner with illustrative and practical examples.
  • - Includes a self-contained approach to the subject, indicating prerequisite materials and information needed from courses.
  • - Each chapter also has a set of questions and problems to test the student’s power of comprehending the topics.
  • - Provides an exhaustive appendix on interesting examples.

Turbulent Flow and Boundary Layer Theory: Selected Topics and Solved Problems a useful textbook for students of engineering. It also serves as a quick reference for professionals, researchers and project consultants involved with processes that require turbulent flow and boundary layer methods analysis.


Most flows encountered in engineering practice are turbulent, and thus it is important to understand how turbulence affects wall shear. However, turbulent flow is a complex mechanism dominated by fluctuation, and despite tremendous amounts of work done in this area by researchers, turbulent flow still is not fully understood. Therefore, we must rely on experiment and the empirical or semi-empirical correlation developed for various situations. In laminar flow, fluid particles flow in an orderly manner along path lines, and momentum and energy are transferred across streamlines by molecular diffusion. In turbulent flow, the swirling eddies transport mass, momentum, and energy to other regions of flow much more rapidly than molecular diffusion, greatly enhancing mass, momentum and heat transfer. As a result, turbulent flow is associated with much higher values of friction, heat transfer, and mass transfer coefficients. The author with his collaboration has been teaching the subject of turbulent flow and the boundary layer for the past twenty years. In addition, this monograph is essential based on the lectures delivered. The lecture notes were prepared to be utilized by the postgraduate student as a part of their research work in the field of mechanical engineering (power generation). Also including about a hundred solved problems that have been given during the courses and examinations. From the experience gained throng useful class discussion and feedback, the notes were revised to improve the clarity and necessary explanatory nots were added during each teaching semester. The subject matter has thus been thoroughly tested in the classroom and found suitable. This book is a compilation and no claim is made of its originality. Acknowledgments are due and hereby made to all the authors whose work has been used in the preparation of this text. Finally, this book emphasizes the need for postgraduate engineers to acquire great efficiency in using the tool of the study and researches in the field of turbulent flow, boundary layers, etc.

M. I. Abu-Tabikh
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Technology
Baghdad - Iraq
E-mails: 20004@uotechnology.edu.iq


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