Editor: Mangey Ram

Series Title: Frontiers in Information Systems

Mathematics Applied in Information Systems

Volume 2

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $171
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $316
ISSN: 2589-3785 (Print)
ISSN: 2589-3793 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-714-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-713-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2018
DOI: 10.2174/97816810871391180201


Recent developments in information science and technology have been possible due to original and timely research contributions containing new results in various fields of applied mathematics. It is also true that advances in information science create opportunities for developing mathematical models further.

Mathematics Applied in Information Systems presents a series of reviews of mathematical methods applied to information systems. Readers will find, in this volume, chapters that cover mathematics applied in various vistas of information systems:

  • - software reliability modeling and optimizations
  • - software release control
  • - natural language processing and social network analysis
  • - food safety systems
  • - soil scattering models
  • - digital imaging processing
  • - supply chain management systems

This volume is essential reading for software engineering students and IT managers working in academia and industry (geosciences, supply chain management, software development, forensics, transportation etc.).


Foreword 1:

It gives me a great pleasure to write a foreword of the book on 'Mathematics Applied to Information Systems'. The book is indeed painstakingly compiled covering a diverse range of topics in mathematical applications in information systems to include software reliability growth models, reliability optimization in intuitionistic fuzzy environment, applications ranging from railways to retrieval of soil parameters, mathematical models for digital imaging and their applications in digital image forensics, quality issues in the design of supply chains, food safety and security, propositional logic and application of stochastic differential equation to software release modeling. I must congratulate Prof. Mangey Ram for his sincere efforts in promoting the spirit of mathematics in various application domains. I hope this book will provide the reader with an insight into the various application possibilities and encourage researchers to find solutions to various complex problems in engineering and science.

Ajit Kumar Verma
Professor (Technical Safety), ATØM
Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Foreword 2:

In this information age, editing a book on “Mathematics Applied in Information System” is very timely and commendable step. Every engineered system as well as human society deals with information flow and it has become more important with growing use of internet in every aspect of human life. The management of information, timely flow, and reliability and safety of information is becoming increasingly challenging and critical. The growing globalization and interdependence between nations and societies are entirely relying on information technology that makes reliability and safety of information sharing even more critical. The chapters included in this book cover majority of these issues and concerns. Specifically, software reliability, reliability optimization in intuitionistic fuzzy environment, mathematical models for digital imaging and their applications in digital image forensics, quality issues dealing with information flow in supply chain system, safety and security in IT based technology, food safety and security, fault-detection and correction in complex network system are some of the important topics covered in the book, which attempt to address some of the major concerns and challenges being faced my information systems. This book has compiled and edited work of several researchers who have been working hard to anticipate upcoming issue and develop appropriate tools and technologies to address these issues up-front. I congratulate editors for this timely effort to compile the work on the most challenging area.

Om Prakash Yadav
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
North Dakota State University


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