Author: Sameir M. Ali Hamed

Electromagnetics for Engineering Students Part 2

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $189
Printed Copy: US $164
Library License: US $196
ISBN: 978-1-68108-632-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-631-6 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2018
DOI: 10.2174/97816810863161180101


Electromagmetics for Engineering Students is a textbook in two parts, Part I and II, that cover all topics of electromagnetics needed for undergraduate students from vector analysis to antenna principles. In both parts of the book, the topics are presented in sufficient details such that the students will follow the analytical development easily. Each chapter is supported by many illustrative examples, solved problems, and the end of chapter problems to explain the principles of the topics and enhance the knowledge of the student. There are a total of 681 problems in the both parts of the book as follows: 162 illustrative examples, 88 solved problems, and 431 end of chapter problems.

This part is a continuation of Part I and focuses on the application of Maxwell's equations and the concepts that are covered in Part I to analyze the characteristics of wave propagation in half-space and bounded media including metamaterials. Moreover, a chapter has been devoted to the topic of antennas to provide readers with the fundamental concepts related to antenna engineering.

The key features of this part:

  • - In addition to the coverage of classical topics in electromagnetic normally covered in the similar available texts, this part of the book adds some advanced concepts and topics such as:
    • - Application of multi-pole expansion for vector potentials.
    • - More detailed analysis for the topic of waveguides including circular waveguides.
    • - Refraction through metamaterials and the concept of negative refractive index.
  • - Detailed and easy-to follow presentation of mathematical analyses and problems.
  • - An appendix of mathematical formulae and functions.


The subjects of electromagnetics and electromagnetic fields theory constitute a fundamental base in the study of electrical and electronic engineering and systems. It has been noticed that the concepts pertinent to these subjects are difficult to grasp by the average university student. Because of this difficulty these subjects need to be exposed in a way that is conducive to their understanding by these students. With this in mind the author presented the student with an elucidated revision of vector theory, one of the mathematical bases of the electromagnetic fields theory and developed the subsequent chapters in an easy-to-follow style.

The intricacy of the mathematics normally used in the exposition of these concepts and the analyses necessary to present them in a logically graspable manner call for many solved examples and unsolved exercises for student training and familiarization. The author, being an experienced university professor, managed to cater for both aspects, and has presented the concepts in an easy-to-follow, streamlined style supported by many diverse solved examples besides a large collection of problems to be tried by the student.

Besides the excellent style and the many and diverse solved examples and large collection of exercise problems, the author illustrated the concepts with well prepared and nicely and clearly presented figures to facilitate understanding of the underlying mathematics and comprehension of the subject concepts.

Although the book is targeting mainly undergraduate university students the rich manner in which it is prepared makes it extremely useful and helpful to graduate students, researchers and university instructors who shoulder the responsibility of teaching these subjects.

Mohammed Ali H. Abbas, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
University of Khartoum