Editor: Panagiotis Berillis

Trends in Fisheries and Aquatic Animal Health

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $191
Printed Copy: US $171
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-68108-581-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-580-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810858071170101


Fish and other seafood have always been considered as an important part of human diet and have also long been recognized as a health-promoting food for human nutrition. However, managing aquatic food resources remains a challenge as the human population is expanding and overfishing poses a threat to fishing reserves in several areas. Aquaculture is the alternative solution for food production from the sea. According to the FAO, aquaculture is probably the fastest growing food-producing sector and can be a sustainable solution for fish production. In order to maximize marine food production and achieving sustainable management of the aquatic environment, knowledge about aspects of fisheries and aquatic animal health is very important.

Trends in Fisheries and Aquatic Animal Health covers some basic and applied topics in fishery management and fish health with a focus on European regions. The textbook is a combination of reviews and research articles. Topics covered in the book include challenges in fishery management, environmental impacts on fisheries, fish health (pharmacology, histopathology, stress response), telemetry techniques in fisheries research, and specific case studies of regional marine species in localized fisheries. This textbook is a useful resource for graduates and professionals involved in advanced training courses for aquaculture and fishery management.

Indexed in: BIOSIS Previewsts, Book Citation Index, Zoological Record.


- Pp. I
Dimitris Vafidis
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- Pp. ii
Panagiotis Berillis
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iii-iv (2)
Panagiotis Berillis
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Fish and Fisheries of The Eastern Adriatic Sea in The Light of Climate Change

- Pp. 1-22 (22)
Branko Dragicevic, Sanja Matic-Skoko, Jakov Dulcic

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Biodiversity Status of and Threats to Freshwater Fish of Croatia and Eastern Adriatic Countries

- Pp. 23-41 (19)
Perica Mustafic, Milorad Mrakovcic

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Challenges Facing Marine Aquaculture in the EU-Mediterranean

- Pp. 42-84 (43)
Ivan Katavic

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Mediterranean Fisheries in the Framework of a New Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): Challenges and Opportunities

- Pp. 85-101 (17)
Sanja Matic-Skoko

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Antibiotic Resistance in Fish

- Pp. 102-132 (31)
Dragana B. Ljubojevic

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Stress and Fish Health: Towards an Understanding of Allostatic Load

- Pp. 133-154 (22)
Hijran Yavuzcan Yıldız, F. Sertel Seçer

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Fish Histopathology as Biomarker in Ecotoxicology

- Pp. 155-181 (27)
Bozidar Raskovic, Vesna Poleksic

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The Effect of Cyanobacteria and Their Toxins on Fish

- Pp. 182-226 (45)
Angeles Jos, Ana M. Camean, Reyhan Akcaalan, Meriç Albay

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Review on Rainbow Trout Desert Farming Using Underground Brackish Water

- Pp. 227-239 (13)
Morteza Alizadeh, Shahram Dadgar, Shohre Masaeli

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Fishing Landings of Crustacean Decapods Their Culture and Problems Associated with Diseases

- Pp. 240-261 (22)
Kostas Kapiris

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Histological Methods to Assess the Effect of Diet and a Single Meal on the Liver and Intestine of Rainbow Trout: Fishmeal and Fishoil Replacement With Plant Protein and Oil

- Pp. 262-276 (15)
Panagiotis Berillis, Sam Martin, Eleni Mente

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Developing a Methodology for the Mariculture of Bath Sponges in Larymna Gulf, North Evoic, Greece

- Pp. 277-298 (22)
Jane Castritsi - Catharios, Constantin Vamvakas, Ιlias Baras, George Ekonomou

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The Establishment of Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 in the Lagoon Pogonitsa (Amvrakikos Gulf, Western Greece)

- Pp. 299-306 (8)
George N. Katselis, Constantin Koutsikopoulos

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CyHV-2 Outbreak Associated with Aeromonas spp. in Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) in Piedmont (Italy)

- Pp. 307-314 (8)
Caruso Claudio, P Pastorino, R Prato, Burioli E.A.V, S Peletto, M Righetti, M.C Bona, C Foglini, P. L Acutis, L Masoero, M Prearo

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Findings from a 16-year monitoring of Viral Notifiable Diseases in Salmonid Fish in Piedmont Region (Italy)

- Pp. 315-323 (9)
Maria Cristina Bona, P Arsieni, M Righetti, P Pastorino, C Foglini, Burioli E.A.V, G Ru, M Prearo

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The Effects of Chronic Low Level Zinc (Zn) Exposure on the Hematological Profile of Tench, Tinca tinca L., 1758

- Pp. 324-333 (10)
Mehmet B. Ergonul, Sibel Atasagun

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Use of Acoustic Telemetry to Management of Fishery in Artificial Reefs

- Pp. 334-347 (14)
Aytac Ozgul, Altan Lok

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Subject Index

- Pp. 348-349 (2)
Panagiotis Berillis
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.Where Did They Come From? The Origins of South American Fauna.
.The Drone Honey Bee.
.The Wax Moth: A Problem or a Solution?.
.Necropsy Techniques for Examining Wildlife Samples.