Author: Atta-ur-Rahman

Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research; Anti-Infectives

Volume 4

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $151
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $156
ISSN: 2452-3208 (Print)
ISSN: 2352-3212 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-488-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-487-9 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810848791170401


Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti infectives is an eBook series that brings updated reviews to readers interested in learning about advances in the development of pharmaceutical agents for the treatment of infectious diseases. The scope of the eBook series covers a range of topics including the chemistry, pharmacology, molecular biology and biochemistry of natural and synthetic drugs employed in the treatment of infectious diseases. Reviews in this series also include research on multi drug resistance and pre-clinical / clinical findings on novel antibiotics, vaccines, antifungal agents and antitubercular agents. Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti infectives is a valuable resource for pharmaceutical scientists and postgraduate students seeking updated and critically important information for developing clinical trials and devising research plans in the field of anti infective drug discovery and epidemiology.

The fourth volume of this series features reviews that cover a variety of topics including:

  1. -Strategies to prolong antibiotic life
  2. -Catalytic antibodies for targeting rabies and influenza viruses
  3. -Antiviral therapies for arenaviruses
  4. -The role of steroids in viral infections
  5. -Monoclonal antibody manufacturing processes
  6. -Prevention and eradication of biofilms in medical devices


The fourth volume of Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research – Anti Infectives comprises six chapters that cover a variety of topics including, prolonging antibiotic life, biofilms in medical devices and various antiviral drugs.

In the first chapter, Tolmasky reviews pharmacological strategies that can be used to improve the efficacy of antibiotics in the body. These strategies are important in the wake of an ongoing crisis of multi-drug resistant organisms. In the second chapter, Uda et al. review the information about catalytic antibodies that can act as antiviral medicines against specific virus targets including the rabies and influenza viruses.

In chapter 3, Castilla et al. review the recent advances in drugs that target arenaviruses, pathogens that are responsible for haemorrhagic fever which is endemic to South America. In the fourth chapter, Ramírez and colleagues discuss the new role of steroids as therapeutic agents in viral infections.

In chapter 5, Freire et al., provide an overview on the production and utilization of monoclonal antibodies as therapeutic agents, including their use for treating infectious diseases. In the last chapter, Azevedo et al. discuss different proposals for combating microfilms that form in medical indwelling devices (MIDs) in the body. Advances on this front can help medical professionals and engineers in keeping such devices longer in the body. Limiting infections caused by such biofilms also has clear benefits to patients.

I hope that the readers will be pleased with the excellent and comprehensive reviews presented in this book in areas of contemporary importance.

Finally, I would like to thank all the editorial staff of Bentham Science Publishers, particularly Dr. Faryal Sami, Mr. Shehzad Naqvi and Mr. Mahmood Alam for their technical support.

Prof. Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS
Honorary Life Fellow,
Kings College,
University of Cambridge,