Author: Tommy Boone

Anatomy: A Pressing Concern in Exercise Physiology Commitment to Professionalism

eBook: US $29 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $143
Printed Copy: US $128
Library License: US $116
ISBN: 978-1-68108-470-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-469-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810846951160101


Anatomy: A Pressing Concern in Exercise Physiology is a thorough analysis of the importance of anatomy in exercise physiology courses. It presents a series of topics that cover key concept and terms in anatomy, muscle physiology, kinesiology, the use of imagery in anatomy, physical flexibility and the conventional study of cadavers. Readers of the book will receive reliable anatomical knowledge, well-researched cadaver information as well as information about good, useless, and dangerous exercises. Readers will essentially be equipped to supervise exercise training designed to be safe while providing a greater range of physical motion.

Anatomy: A Pressing Concern in Exercise Physiology serves as a textbook for exercise physiologists in training and as a handbook for healthcare professionals involved in the physical training or rehabilitation of clients or patients.


For years the kinesiology course was the anatomy course in the health and physical education degree. Now, although students can still major in health and physical education, the title has changed in many academic institutions to exercise science, kinesiology, and numerous other degree titles. It is no secret that exercise physiology grew from this academic background of athletics and exercise in health and disease. Today, exercise physiology is increasingly recognized as the new 21st century healthcare profession. While exercise physiologists are educated to prescribe exercise medicine from a physiological perspective, there is the concern that they need an anatomy course to fully understand the depth and implications of flexibility training.

This ebook, Anatomy: A Pressing Concern in Exercise Physiology, is the opportunity to promote the academic importance of anatomy as part of the professional development of exercise physiologists. It describes in detail the anatomical reasons for the good, useless, and dangerous flexibility exercises. Without question, academic exercise physiologists should teach anatomy to the undergraduate and post-graduate students, and the students should have the same opportunity as other healthcare students to study cadavers to grasp the significance of the musculoskeletal system. The hands-on laboratory opportunities will help the students of exercise physiology to safely prescribe exercise medicine and to work as a professional with athletes of diverse sports. This work should also encourage the support and recognition of the ASEP Board Certified Exercise Physiologists as healthcare professionals.


The author confirms that author has no conflict of interest to declare for this publication.


Declared none.

Tommy Boone
Board Certified Exercise Physiologist


.An Atlas on the Comparative Anatomy of the Retinae of Vertebrates.