Editors: Isabel Suárez-Ruiz, João Graciano Mendonça Filho

Series Title: Geology: Current and Future Developments

The Role of Organic Petrology in the Exploration of Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Systems

Volume 1

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $191
Printed Copy: US $151
Library License: US $316
ISSN: 2542-6567 (Print)
ISSN: 2542-6575 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-464-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-463-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810846331170101


Organic petrology is a discipline of geology which integrates multidisciplinary approaches for the exploration and evaluation of fossil fuel resources by conventional and unconventional procedures. Organic petrology has brought forth new, powerful analytical tools for the characterization of geological hydrocarbon systems, thus providing information where previous analytical techniques prove to be less effective.

The reference provides a broad, comprehensive source of information about the application of organic petrology in the investigation of geological formations related with the production and accumulation of oil and gas. Eleven chapters cover a variety of topics (kerogens, dispersed organic matter systems, sedimentary organic matter systems, oil and gas shales, etc.). Additional information in chapters referring to examples in specific geographical locations provides a global perspective of hydrocarbon exploration. The book is an introductory reference for all scholars involved in applied organic petrology of hydrocarbon systems including graduate and undergraduate geology students, engineers and lab technicians.


Welcome to the e-book entitled “The Role of Organic Petrology in the exploration of Conventional and Unconventional Hydrocarbon Systems”. This book is intended to serve as a basic guide for all those who might be interested in one of the hot topics of applied organic petrology: hydrocarbon systems (conventional and unconventional). The book explains what hydrocarbon systems are, how they form and how and why they are investigated by means of organic petrology, a branch of Earth Science that started as coal petrology at the beginning of the 20th Century.

The authors who have contributed to this book are Senior Organic Petrologists with a broad experience working in this field for Petroleum Companies, Universities and Research Institutions, or for Private Laboratories linked to these Oil and Gas Companies.

The Editors of this book would like to thank Fariya Zulfiqar, Assistant Manager of Bentham Science Publishers, for her kindness, her support and for giving us the opportunity to publish this volume. We would also like to thank all those who, in one way or another, contributed to making this work a success, many of whom are included in the acknowledgement section of the chapters.

Above all, we hope you enjoy this book and find it inspirational in your work

Dr. Isabel Suárez-Ruiz


Dr. João Graciano Mendonça Filho
Department of Geology-UFRJ,
Rio de Janeiro,