Author: "Alberto Gianinetti"

An Account of Thermodynamic Entropy

eBook: US $29 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $127
Printed Copy: US $112
Library License: US $116
ISBN: 978-1-68108-394-0 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-393-3 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2017
DOI: 10.2174/97816810839331170101


The second law of thermodynamics is an example of the fundamental laws that govern our universe and is relevant to every branch of science exploring the physical world. This reference summarizes knowledge and concepts about the second law of thermodynamics and entropy. A verbatim explanation of chemical thermodynamics is presented by the author, making this text easy to understand for chemistry students, researchers, non-experts, and educators.


Review 1

Book Review: An Account of Thermodynamic Entropy by Alberto Gianinetti

The book describes the thermodynamic entropy using basically a verbal presentation combined with few mathematical expressions that keeps a rigorous scientific approach to the matter. The essential outlines for a verbal account of thermodynamic entropy are summarized in the last chapter. The main purpose of the book is to demonstrate from a rigorous scientific viewpoint the validity of the proposed verbal presentation. Several examples given by the author illustrate the concept of entropy in its different expressions. The book consists of twenty one chapters. The first chapter gives basic concepts of thermodynamics. The second chapter explains the concept of entropy within the context of classical thermodynamics. The third and fifth chapters discuss two manners to transfer energy to a system from surroundings, namely, heat and work. The entropy definition based on reversible processes is described in the fourth chapter. The sixth chapter is dedicated to the entropy concept from the viewpoint of statistical mechanics. The next chapter provides explanations about the temperature concept. Spontaneous processes are considered in the eight chapter. The next four chapters represent some topics of statistical mechanics. The thirteenth and fourteenth chapters describes spontaneous process from the microscopic theory. The relation of chemical potential to entropy is discussed in the fifteenth chapter. The next three chapters contain a discussion about entropy variation and its maximum in an equilibrium state. Chapters nineteen and twenty explain the definition of entropy based on quantum theory. Finally, twenty first Chapter is devoted to pedagogical aspects of thermodynamic entropy. The book is well written. Since it does not use a hard mathematical formalism, it can be recommended for students and researchers from non-engineering areas like biology, medicine, pharmacology etc.

Dr. Felix Sharipov
Departamento de Física
Universidade Federal do Paraná
Paraná, Brazil