Editors: Mitzy E. Torres Soriano, Gerardo García Aguirre, Maximiliano Gordon, Veronica Kon Graversen

Series Title: Ophthalmology: Current and Future Developments

Diagnostic Atlas of Retinal Diseases

Volume 1

Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $142
Printed Copy: US $142
ISSN: 2468-7162 (Print)
ISSN: 2468-7170 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-358-2 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-357-5 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810835751160101


This 3 volume set offers a comprehensive compilation which presents detailed information about ophthalmic (retinal, vitreous and macular) diseases. Key features of this set include:

- Emphasis on practical features of clinical diagnosis

- Concise and didactic presentation of key manifestations of diseases designed for rapid reference and target recall

- A vast selection of illustrations to sharpen clinical problem-solving skills

- Step by step treatment approaches to enhance the reader’s ability to handle medical cases

- Citations or relevant research articles in each chapter for further reading

The first volume of this set brings information about retinal vascular diseases, choroidal neovascularization related diseases, vitreomacular interface, and other macular disorders. Written by a group of retina specialists, this book is an excellent resource for knowledge about retinal disorders. The streamlined format and evidence based medicine presented in the volume make this book the perfect reference for medical students, residents, general ophthalmologists and retina specialists.


We are honored to contribute to the information and education of ophthalmology students around the world. We have attempted to distill the current knowledge of medical practice and basic science retina research into a diagnostic atlas of retinal diseases. This is a quick-reference atlas eBook of the retina, edited by specialists in the field, essential to any practicing ophthalmologist or resident who has more than a passing interest in diseases and treatment of the retina.

This e-book includes contributors from Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, United States, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Costa Rica and Peru. It is divided into three volumes: Volume I, retinal vascular diseases, choroidal neovascularization related diseases, vitreomacular interface, and other macular disorders; Volume II, traumatic retinopathies, diseases of vitreous, peripheral degenerations, retinal detachment, pediatric retinal diseases, and retinal dystrophies; and Volume III, posterior uveitis, tumors of the retina, and choroid.

This diagnostic atlas eBook of retinal diseases contains full-color, high quality images of the most frequent retinal pathologies with a brief and comprehensive review of retinal diseases. Each chapter includes essentials of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. The format is concise, well organized, and didactic, without being exhaustive.

We hope and expect that our atlas of retina will facilitate in providing patients with the best possible care.


We would like to express our gratitude to Judy Soriano, who provided support with english composition and edition.

To our friends and colleagues without whose contribution would not have been possible to realize this project.

We also want to thank the staff of Bentham Science for their help and support and give us the opportunity to publish this eBook.


This e-book is specially dedicated to Guillermo Manuel Gordon, MD. He inspired us to always work hard and try our best. He was a friend and a recognized ophthalmologist of Rosario-Argentina, who died on May 2nd, 2015.


The author(s) confirm that this chapter contents have no conflict of interest.

Mitzy E. Torres Soriano & Maximiliano Gordon
Centro de la Visión Gordon Manavella,
Rosario, Santa Fe

Gerardo García Aguirre
Retina Department,
Asociaión para Evitar la Ceguera en Mexico,
Mexico City,

Veronica Kon Graversen
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Chapel Hill, NC,