Editors: Klas Nordlind, Anna Zalewska-Janowska

Skin and Psyche

eBook: US $39 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $151
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $156
ISBN: 978-1-68108-302-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-301-8 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97816810830181160101


Practicing dermatologists are likely to encounter several patients who have psychological difficulties in dealing with various skin conditions. While there are several factors that might be responsible for these difficulties (such as physical and mental stress), it is becoming increasingly clear nowadays that skin disease patients experiencing such issues need to be managed with a multidisciplinary approach to improve treatment outcomes.

Skin and Psyche delves into the realm of psychodermatology – the cusp of dermatology, psychology and psychiatry. The book enhances the reader´s knowledge about relevant topics such as the biology of the skin, the impact of stress on skin inflammation, acne vulgaris, skin diseases secondary to delusions and other psychiatric diseases, psoriasis and much more. Different forms of non-pharmacological treatments of these diseases are also mentioned. The book also contains a concise guide to building a psychodermatology clinic.

Skin and Psyche is a vital reference for dermatologists, hospital managers and psychiatrists looking for tips to improve their ability to interact with individuals while assisting them to cope with dermatological diseases and conditions.


Psychodermatology is a critically important aspect of dermatological practice because psychological factors significantly affect a large proportion of our patients. It is an entire field, not just one disease, such as psoriasis. As such, there are different areas within psychodermatology. One important area is psychophysiological disorders, whereby emotional stress frequently precipitates or exacerbates real skin condition. This is most often observed in inflammatory conditions, such as psoriasis and eczema, but the influence of stress is also often reported in conditions without observable inflammation, such as vitiligo and alopecia areata. Another important area involves primary psychiatric disorder in which there are no real skin disorders; the lesions are all self-induced. This area includes delusion of parasitosis, neurotic excoriations, trichotillomania, and factitious dermatitis. The third important area is secondary psychiatric disorder where patient suffers from the negative consequence of disfigurement, such as depression, anxiety, and social phobia. Lastly, psychodermatology includes cutaneous sensory disorder where patient experiences distressing symptoms without visible primary skin lesions or diagnosable internal condition. 

This book on psychodermatology covers different areas. Moreover, within these areas, there are highly relevant diagnoses such as, skin picking and body dysmorphic disorder, which are discussed in detail in separate chapters. I highly recommend any practitioners of dermatology to familiarize himself/herself with psychodermatology through this clinically useful book that is easily accessible. The material in this book will undoubtedly greatly enhance our care of these patients who are the most unfortunate and miserable sufferers of psychodermatological disorders.

John Koo
Argentina Leon
UCSF Department of Dermatology
San Francisco


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