Editor: Kazuhiro Ohnishi

Firms’ Strategic Decisions: Theoretical and Empirical Findings

Volume 2

eBook: US $49 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $156
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $196
ISSN: 2405-8424 (Print)
ISSN: 2405-8432 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-254-7 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-253-0 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2016
DOI: 10.2174/97819810825301160201


This is the second volume of the book series featuring theoretical and empirical research on strategic decision making policies of oligopolistic organizations. This volume brings together 11 chapters that cover economic and mathematical models to illustrate strategic decision making among different organizations. Topics covered in this volume include, static and dynamic models of firm behavior, strategic entry deterrence by dominant firms, strategic interactions in vertically related industries, financial losses of enterprises caused by breaks of information security systems, and the association of certain funding choices with efficiency in small medium enterprises. Thus the volume encompasses a fresh collection of works on firm behavior and industrial economics.

Indexed in: Book Citation Index, Social Sciences & Humanities, EBSCO.


- Pp. i-iii (3)
Kazuhiro Ohnishi
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List of Contributors

- Pp. iv-v (2)
Kazuhiro Ohnishi
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Parking with Discount: Generalized Oligopoly Model with Influence Coefficients

- Pp. 3-28 (26)
Vitaliy V. Kalashnikov-Jr, Daniel Flores Curiel, Vyacheslav V. Kalashnikov

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Unionization Structure, Profit Differential, and Social Welfare in a Differentiated Duopoly with Heterogeneous Firms

- Pp. 29-57 (29)
Chu-chuan Hsu, Leonard F. S. Wang

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Market Power of Multiproduct Firms and Price Coordination in the Industry

- Pp. 58-85 (28)
Wassim Benhassine, Eric Giraud-Heraud, Abdelhakim Hammoudi

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Effects of Competitive Structure on Loan Pricing and Credit Provisioning in Oligopolistic Banking Industry

- Pp. 86-114 (29)
Achintya Ray

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Lifetime Employment and a Mixed Duopoly with a Foreign Labour-Managed Firm

- Pp. 115-141 (27)
Kazuhiro Ohnishi

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Price-Setting Games and Entry Deterrence

- Pp. 142-161 (20)
Kazuhiro Ohnishi

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On the Welfare Effect of Uniform Input Pricing with Endogenous Choices of Channel Structure by Downstream Firms

- Pp. 162-197 (36)
X. Henry Wang, Weiwei Wu, Chenhang Zeng

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Royalty Structures and Franchisee’s Investment Incentive

- Pp. 198-216 (19)
DongJoon Lee, YongHoon Choi, SangHeon Han

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Optimal Two-Part Tariff Licensing Strategies of Eco-Technology

- Pp. 217-238 (22)
Seung-Leul Kim, Sang-Ho Lee

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Evaluation of Financial Losses Suffered by Enterprises due to Information System Accidents

- Pp. 239-261 (23)
Sergii Kavun, Vyacheslav V. Kalashnikov, Nataliya Kalashnykova, Olexandr Cherevko

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Exploring the Relationship Between Supplier Credit and SMEs Technical Efficiency

- Pp. 262-281 (20)
Mariarosaria Agostino, Francesco Trivieri

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Subject Index

- Pp. 282-284 (3)
Kazuhiro Ohnishi
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