Editor: Jacky J. Cosson

Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance

eBook: US $89 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $222
Printed Copy: US $177
Library License: US $356
ISBN: 978-1-68108-129-8 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-128-1 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810812811150101


Experimental research using spermatozoa, a highly specialized cell with organelles involved in gene transfer, energy supply and cellular motility, has always occupied the forefront of studies in cell and reproductive biology. Several spermatological experiments have focused on the attraction of a spermatozoon toward the egg – sperm chemotaxis or sperm guidance. This process ubiquitously occurs in the reproductive system of many organisms. After its discovery in the late 19th century in plants, sperm chemotaxis is known to play a crucial role in fertilization success in both plants and animals. Spermatology has expanded in focus in recent years, as the structure of molecules relevant to sperm chemotaxis has been recently determined in several species of invertebrates and vertebrates, which promises remarkable progress for understanding events relevant to sexual reproduction. Reflecting upon these trends in the long history of sperm chemotaxis, Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance gathers leaders in the field of spermatology, who have presented their experimental research on the chemical cues behind flagellate behavior in a variety of organisms including bikonts and spermatozoa of marine invertebrates and vertebrates (fish, amphibians and mammals). Reviews presented in this monograph provide both basic and detailed information on the initiation and activation of sperm motility at spawning, sperm thermotaxis, and other mechanics such as mathematical models of a spermatozoon swimming. A comparison between features of sperm chemotaxis among different organisms is also given.

Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance will stir interest in spermatology research among a broad variety of readers including researchers, Ph.D. students studying reproductive biology and teachers involved in advanced biology courses.

Indexed in: BIOSIS Previews, Book Citation Index, EBSCO, Zoological Record.


Experimental research using spermatozoa, a highly specialized cell with cell organelles involved in transfer of genetic information, energy supply and motility, has always occupied the forefront of studies in cell biology, as well as reproductive biology. Among trend variety of research carried out on sperm cells, attraction of sperm toward the female gamete, so-called sperm chemotaxis or sperm guidance, which ubiquitously occurs in reproductive system of many animals and plants, plays an important role in fertilization success. Sperm chemotaxis in plant and animal species was discovered in the late part of 19th century and in the middle of 20th century, respectively, and thereafter, detailed fundamental mechanisms of the sperm behavior were developed. Application of research in sperm science to the medical and agricultural fields has become very important in more recent years. Structure of molecules relevant to sperm chemotaxis has been recently determined in several species of invertebrates and vertebrates, further remarkable progress for understanding events relevant to reproductive system. Reflecting these trends in the long history concerning sperm chemotaxis, the chapters of the book "Flagellar Mechanics, its Contribution to Sperm Guidance", result from an assembly of the world-leading scientists in the field, who focused on sperm chemotaxis toward female gamete with chemical cue in protists, marine invertebrates and vertebrates including mammals. Topics relevant to sperm behavior complementary to chemotaxis such as initiation and activation of sperm motility at spawning, sperm thermotaxis, mathematical modeling for micro-swimming, etc. are also included in the book. Basic knowledge presented in this book will be of great help to stimulate the interest of research in a broad variety of readers.

Masaaki Morisawa
The University of Tokyo,


This book is dedicated to the memory of the late Marie-Paule COSSON, who passed away in 1991 after many years of studies on flagella motility and sperm chemotaxis.


Some of the studies presented were financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic - projects “CENAKVA” (No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0024), “CENAKVA II” (No. LO1205 under the NPU I program) and COST (No. LD14119 AF1205 AQUAGAMETES), by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice (No. 114/2013/Z), and by the Czech Science Foundation (No. P502/15-12034S and GACR P502/12/1973). The Editor acknowledges the extensive assistance of Monique Cosson during the redaction and assembly of this book.

Book Cover: "Encuentro", pastel, 2006, by Laura C. Giojalas


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