Authors: Jaime Solis-Guzman, Madelyn Marrero

Ecological Footprint Assessment of Building Construction

eBook: US $79 Special Offer (PDF + Printed Copy): US $171
Printed Copy: US $131
Library License: US $316
ISBN: 978-1-68108-099-4 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-68108-098-7 (Online)
Year of Publication: 2015
DOI: 10.2174/97816810809871150101


Sustainability is a major concern when considering the construction of a new building project as there is a definite effect of any construction on its surrounding environment. One tool to measure the environmental impact of projects is the Ecological Footprint (EF). Ecological Footprint Assessment of Building Construction presents the methodology required for the creation of an effective EF assessment of building construction projects with a case study of a Spanish project. The book starts with a detailed overview of the EF indicator for buildings including definitions, methodologies and scale applications. This is followed by chapters on dwelling construction methodology and calculation models for direct (energy and water), indirect (manpower and construction materials) resource consumption and waste in the constructed area. The book concludes with a case study that demonstrates the application of all types of EF indicators mentioned in the previous chapters. The methodology and all steps for each calculation are explained in detail, making the book an applicable reference for working professionals as well as an easy-to-understand guide for graduates undertaking sustainability modules in ecology and civil engineering courses.


The publication is a contribution to scientific development, needed to generate standards and strategies for sustainable construction. The stringency of the contents, while its clear and informative language, makes this book a necessary publication for anyone wishing to learn or expand their knowledge on the Ecological Footprint linked to environmental aspects in the construction phase of a buildings.

“The construction industry is well known for its high impact on the environment, especially during the building construction. In the present book, a methodology is defined as the first step towards the creation of an effective assessment of the Ecological Footprint (EF) of this type of activity. The EF indicator methodology has been adapted by the authors to the peculiarities of the construction sector. The procedure is based on the project budget and its bill of quantities, which is organized by means of a systematic classification of the resources into three main categories: materials, manpower and machinery. A calculation model is presented with some innovative aspects, such as including food intake and worker mobility, water consumption in the construction site and indirect costs analysis which are not normally included in the methodology of the indicator; footprints associated with cropland, pasture and fishing appear due to the inclusion of food.

The methodology and all the steps which are part of the calculation are explained, and approaches are proposed, making it easy to implement the EF assessment in any building project.

Dr. Solis-Guzman and Dr. Marrero belong to the research group ARDITEC and work in construction related problems such as construction and demolition waste management, CO2 Footprint, Ecological Footprint and recycling of construction material. They have published over 30 articles in scientific and technical journals, and participated in over 50 conferences. They also have participated in research projects at regional and European level. Since 2009, both teach the subject Sustainable Construction in the School of Building Engineering, University of Seville, Spain. ”

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Claudia Muñoz-Sanguinetti, PhD

University of Bio-Bio, Chile

Researcher of the Sustainable Architecture and Construction Group - UBB CITEC


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